Legaltech News

Law Firms Are Trying Innovative Service Delivery Programs. But Adoption's a Different Story

While the new service delivery tools may be in place, they're far from maturity, according to a survey of Am Law 200 and Global 100 firms from Baretz+Brunelle's NewLaw practice group.
3 minute read

The Recorder

9th Circuit: Police Violated Google Users' Privacy Rights After Automated Email Scan Detected Child Pornography

The ruling comes as Apple Inc. faced backlash from privacy advocates in August after announcing a feature that scans photos on its devices for child sexual abuse materials.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

For AI Regulators, It May Be Go Broad or Go Home

Regulators will likely keep going broad when defining AI as they look to minimize the risk the technology may pose in key areas like safety, law enforcement or corporate hiring.
5 minute read

Daily Business Review

Expecting a Tough Virtual Cross-Examination? Here's How to Prepare Your Witness

"If you were physically going to meet with a witness to prepare them for a deposition three, four or five times, supplement that with phone calls, little pep talks."
6 minute read

Legaltech News

Why Wilson Sonsini Went Outside Legal for Help Automating IPO Disclosures

Wilson Sonsini is partnering with Workiva to tackle the document known as SEC Form S-1 with an app it's calling WS-1.
3 minute read

The American Lawyer

LCLD to Require Law Firm and GC Members to Make Public, Measurable Diversity Pledges

The LCLD hopes that by making pledges on diversity public, the in-house departments and law firms that make up the organization will be better held accountable.
3 minute read

The Recorder

Silicon Legal: Mailchimp Workers Cry Foul After Missing Out on Sale Jackpot

Do Mailchimp's 1,200 employees have cause to sue over not scoring big merger payouts? Probably not, but that likely won't stop anyone truly determined. Patterson Law Firm attorney Michael Haeberle, who keeps a close eye on tech industry securities suits, says large deals and securities suits go together like peaches and cream.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

Lawyer Beats Ethics Case Over Allegedly Telling Paralegal to 'Friend' Adversary's Client on Facebook

The case against John Robertelli was dismissed because Facebook was in its infancy and he was unfamiliar with its workings in 2008, when the events in question took place. But "at this point, attorneys cannot take refuge in the defense of ignorance," N.J. Supreme Court Justice Barry Albin wrote.
5 minute read

Legaltech News

Loeb & Loeb's Privacy Co-Chair Hire a Sign of Strengthening Privacy Practice Market

Tanya the former co-chair of the privacy and data security group at Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, will serve as co-chair of Loeb & Loeb's privacy, security and data innovations practice.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

Key to Mobile Security for Law Firms? Be Smarter Than Your Device

With the cybercriminal community rubbing their hands together in anticipation of further soft targets, it's crucial to make sure your organization takes the necessary steps to secure all devices.
5 minute read

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