Legaltech News

Four Tips to Ease the Transition from One E-Discovery Provider to Another

When legal software reaches retirement, law firms and legal departments should view this as an opportunity to migrate to a better, more advanced and secure product, rather than view it with trepidation or dread. Here's how to tackle the transition.
6 minute read

Legaltech News

5 Obstacles Challenging the Long-Term Future of Remote Document Review

Remote document review isn't a novel concept, but its longevity may be threatened by uneven results on more complex matters, laborious security measures and diminished productivity.
1 minute read

Legaltech News

'You Have to Get More Creative': What Law Firms Learned About Training During the Pandemic

Attorney training went remote during the pandemic, and against the odds it worked. Now firms are ready to take it hybrid.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

More M&A, More Problems? How Legal Tech Providers Keep Up With Accelerated Growth

Legal tech companies finalizing multiple legal tech deals in a year are becoming more common. But such rapid expansion can compound the risk of alienating employees and clients, and complicate meeting business goals.
4 minute read

The American Lawyer

As Law Firm Retreats Go Virtual, Here's How to Keep Them Effective

Losing the ability to meet in person doesn't mean firms must lose the ability to bring their people together.
11 minute read

The American Lawyer

When It Comes to Office Returns, Associates and Staff Are a Workforce Divided

Associates see the value in getting back to the office, but law firm staff aren't so eager.
8 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

How Legal Secretarial Roles Are Evolving in Big Law

"The older, traditional role of a legal secretary is pretty much gone," said one industry observer. "The secretary of the future needs to have really strong IT skills ... and more multitasking than they ever did before."
5 minute read

Legaltech News

E-Discovery Practice and Procedure: Is Eastern Time the Standard for Discovery Deadlines?

Do the coastal dwellers get to control the time zone for discovery deadlines? Here's what recent case law, as well as one retired federal judge, have to say.
7 minute read

Legaltech News

Law Firms Remain Split on Business Development Tools Versus 'The Handshake'

A more competitive law firm ecosystem has thrust additional interest upon business development tech. But a lack of partner buy-in and uneven approaches to training associates could keep adoption rates down.
5 minute read

National Law Journal

Machines Cannot Be Listed as Inventors on US Patents, Judge Rules

U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema's decision means that patent protection is only available for AI-generated inventions outside the United States, says the Artificial Inventor Project's Ryan Abbott.
3 minute read

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