The Recorder

NY AG Says Robocall Company Accused in Case Over Vote Suppression Isn't Entitled to Section 230 Protection

The law has recently come under renewed scrutiny from partisan critics for supposedly giving tech firms too much leeway in squelching political speech online.
3 minute read

The Recorder

Why Employment Lawyers Are Thinking More About Crypto and Blockchain

"Employers are gaining interest and are now trying to understand why this technology is important, what are the key things they need to know, and how they can implement it in their workplace," Fisher & Phillips partner Phillip Bauknight said.
7 minute read

Legaltech News

ALSPs Move to Offer Clients Tech Recommendations, But It's Not an Exact Science

ALSPs are positioning themselves to help corporate legal departments connect with the right legal tech products to power their innovation initiatives. But functionality isn't necessarily the best metric with which to evaluate those tools.
3 minute read

Daily Business Review

Fearing the Sandbox? What to Learn From Utah About Nonlawyer Investment

Lawyer regulation is funded by court admission or bar fees, and so the structure is well established, but the funding of regulating nonlawyer involvement in the legal industry is a frontier.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

How Facebook's Legal Department Is Building More Diverse Talent Pipeline

"Sometimes, solutions are just superficial," Facebook Deputy GC Allen Lo said. "They feel good, but don't actually do anything. We know that in order for us to come up with the best solutions, we have to have diversity on the team."
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Law Schools Tried Remote Courses and Liked It, But Don't Expect All-Online Programs

Law schools contacted by Legaltech News say they are eyeing long-term distance learning courses. But they note developing appropriate courses for remote learning will take some time.
3 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

'Fear of the New Technology': One Law Firm Is Helping Older Lawyers Wrestling With Remote Work

With many older attorneys experiencing technology overload, one West Hartford law firm has brought on new attorneys to oversee their technological and administrative needs.
5 minute read

Legaltech News

How to Limit Your Data Liability

While the prior trend has been to collect as much data as possible, the regulatory and practical environment has become much more risk-laden for businesses and their data.
6 minute read

The Recorder

Avenatti's Cross-Exams Fuel Fight About Defense Discovery Duties

Avenatti's lawyering is so central to the criminal case against him that trial testimony so far also is testing the divide between crimes and malpractice.
6 minute read

Legaltech News

With Legal Tech AI, Accuracy Concerns—and Human Review—Are Likely to Persist

The secret that some of legal tech's AI-powered capabilities are double-checked by humans is out of the bag, industry observers say. In fact, many legal tech buyers actually prefer the human-AI hybrid review approach.
3 minute read

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