Legaltech News

5 Challenges That Await ALSPs on the Path to Growth

The reliability and cost effectiveness of ALSPs has helped to position them for growth. But first they may have to figure out how to broaden their service offerings without breaking the bank.
1 minute read

Legaltech News

Innovations in Diversity and Inclusion, Law Firm: Cooley and Google

"More people are communicating because video-conferencing technology has made it easier to do so, resulting in broken-down barriers," says Amie Santos of Cooley.
5 minute read

The American Lawyer

Morgan Stanley Hasn't Forced Broad Office Return Mandate but Clients Continue to Hold Sway

"We're not changing our approach," said one Am Law 100 firm leader.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

5 Recent Developments That Could Lead to a Transformed US Legal Market

Change is likely coming for American attorneys. This spring and summer has shown across the country that the U.S. legal market may be poised become more open and flexible.
1 minute read

Legaltech News

Innovation in Legal Operations Solutions: Epiq

"We found that a 'new normal' for business planning is emerging," says Eyal Iffergan of Epiq.
3 minute read

Neglecting Cybersecurity Isn't Just Risky. It's Reckless.

Robust protection against cyberthreats is a big investment. Like a spare tire or a smoke detector, better to have and not need it, rather than need and not have it. But chances are, you're going to need it.
6 minute read

Legaltech News

The Legal Tech IPO Ceiling Has Cracked: Why DISCO and Others Are Going Public

DISCO CEO Kiwi Camara said an IPO is "something I've always aspired to do as an entrepreneur." And industry observers say the current public investment market is very welcoming to ambitious companies seeking access to more funds.
5 minute read

Legaltech News

Booming Legal Tech Investments Favor Mature Players Over Startups

Late-stage companies addressing contract needs and B2C consumers are garnering the bulk of today's legal tech investments, but the market's maturity may spur more startups.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

Innovation in Data Privacy & Cybersecurity: RubyLaw

"Legal innovation means confronting challenges, both today and those anticipated in the future, and solving them with novel (often technology-driven) approaches," says Jaron Rubenstein of RubyLaw.
3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Convenience Store Chain Can't Shield Investigative Report on Data Breach From Discovery, Judge Rules

A federal judge has ruled that because an investigative report commissioned by Pennsylvania-based convenience store chain Rutter's in response to a data security breach was not prepared for litigation purposes, it is not privileged.
4 minute read

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