The Legal Intelligencer

Biden's Executive Order Strengthens Government's Cybersecurity Practices

On May 12, President Joseph Biden signed the executive order on improving the nation's cybersecurity (the order) in the wake of cybersecurity incidents affecting SolarWinds Corp., on-premises Microsoft Exchange Servers, Colonial Pipelines and JBS.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

Thriving DIY Legal Tech Market Attracts Newcomers, But Don't Expect 'Gold Rush'

A pent-up demand for access to legal services and the attention paid to LegalZoom's recent IPO could help push more entrepreneurs into the DIY space, but restrictions on services offered by nonlawyers and the novelty of such solutions could prove to be a major stumbling block.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

Cyber Training Is Hard for Firms, But Outsourcing It Is Getting Easier

A proliferation of options and the convenience that digital curriculums provide may be pushing more law firms toward outsourcing cybersecurity training, especially as it becomes even more essential in today's environment.
4 minute read

3-D Printing Lawsuit Accuses Competitor of Copying Patented Technology

Continuous Composites, headquartered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, is being represented by intellectual property litigator William B. Dyer III, a partner with Lee & Hayes in Atlanta.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

For E-Discovery Vendors, Rebranding Brings Risk—But Bigger Rewards

While a botched rebrand can leave clients "overwhelmed," for e-discovery vendors, incorporating sought-after terms such as "compliance" or "information governance" into their branding can be a vital business necessity.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

With Litigation Risk Looming, Lawyers Say Every Business Should Buy Cyber Insurance

"Cyber insurance policies should be part of any company's portfolio, even a company that doesn't think that it has much risk in terms of handling consumer data. Most do have personal data of employees."
5 minute read

Legaltech News

Lighthouse Acquires H5 In Response to Legal Departments' Tech Evolution

With its acquisition of H5, Lighthouse CEO Brian McManus believes the company is well positioned to capitalize on a suddenly more tech-friendly legal department market.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

Allen & Overy Cybersecurity Chair Heading to White & Case

Lawson Caisley's departure follows several of his A&O colleagues who have also made the move to U.S. outfits.
2 minute read

The American Lawyer

Big Law, Big 4 on Sidelines as Small Shops, Online Upstarts Embrace Rule Changes

While some Big Law firms have shown little interest in regulatory reforms in Utah and Arizona, they are watching and waiting.
7 minute read

Legaltech News

EDRM Asks for Public Comment on New Information Governance Model

Adoption of the IGRM model could mean "improving dialogue about information governance, increasing the buy in from stakeholders, and expanding the awareness of the importance of information governance in the modern enterprise."
3 minute read

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