Corporate Counsel

Why This FinTech CLO Went Virtual for His Return to Private Practice

"We're bringing innovation to an industry that's been famously resistant to change," Scale managing partner Adam Forest said.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

DOJ Uses Secret Subpoenas Outside Its Own Policies to Get Electronic Data, Media Lawyer Testifies

Witnesses at a House judiciary hearing said the Justice Department is routinely using gag orders like the ones that prevented lawmakers and journalists from finding out their data had been subpoenaed during the Trump administration.
5 minute read

Legaltech News

Law Firms' Return to the Office Could Unleash Cybersecurity Risks

Many large and midsize firms have been proactively controlling and monitoring employee devices for cyber threats. But a year working outside of the office left some law firms' electronics unpatched and at potentially higher cyber risk.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

LegalZoom Hits Nasdaq With More Than 19 Million Shares at $28 a Share

LegalZoom CEO Dan Wernikoff rang the opening bell at the Nasdaq Global Market on Wednesday morning to help celebrate the DIY legal services company officially going public.
2 minute read

Legaltech News

Best Practices for Investigations In Remote Environments

With regulatory and investigations activity expected to pick up significantly in the coming year, it's more important than ever to tighten up remote investigations methods to meet best practices. Aside from enabling continuity during COVID-19 restrictions, remote workflows offer a number of benefits in investigations.
8 minute read

The American Lawyer

How a Big Law Spinoff Became a Go-To Cybersecurity Fixer for Law Firms and Others

A Pennsylvania firm founded by lawyers from Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith has grown to 94 lawyers in just five years with clientele across industries, including among the Am Law 200.
7 minute read

Legaltech News

Exploring the Complexity of Zoom Data Preservation

It will not be long before we see Zoom data appearing as evidence in court. Legal teams and CIOs need to think about how to preserve Zoom data proactively for litigation case assessments, discovery, and holds, as well as investigations and regulatory actions.
6 minute read

Legaltech News

Forget In-Person: E-Discovery Industry Embraces Virtual Networking

Despite a high demand for top job candidates, neither e-discovery stakeholders nor job seekers are eager to reengage with in-person networking opportunities just yet—especially with virtual platforms making it easier to form connections.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Federal Judge Weighs Constitutionality of Controversial Florida Social Media Law

The controversial law seeks to prevent large social-media platforms from banning political candidates from their sites and to require companies to publish — and apply consistently — standards about issues such as banning users or blocking their content.
6 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Amid COVID Rule Relaxation, Tech Legal Departments Refuse to Relax

"Sometimes, the right approach is the conservative approach," Hoge Fenton's Sarju Naran said about regulations exceeding OSHA's requirements.
4 minute read

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