Connecticut Law Tribune

Big Tech in Crosshairs: Antitrust Suit Against Zillow Is Part of Emerging Litigation Trend

"As someone who teaches and thinks about real estate transactions, what Zillow is allegedly doing sounds troubling," said University of Connecticut School of Law professor Bethany Berger.
5 minute read

Legaltech News

Exterro Review Upgrades, With a New User Interface and Emphasis on Speed

Exterro bets that a focus on accelerating the speed of e-discovery review workflows—from automated document processing to evaluating reviewers—will allow it to stand out from the competition.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

Contract, Document Management Top Legal's Priorities as Tech Spending Ramps Up

The new "Future Ready Lawyer" report from Wolters Kluwer indicates that while attorneys plan to invest more in technologies, lingering confusions over some tools could stymie adoption.
4 minute read

The Recorder

Facebook User Seeks 75K in Damages After Disabling of Account Causes 'Derision' From 1K Followers

This suit was surfaced by Radar. Read the complaint here.
1 minute read

Daily Business Review

High Court Weighs In On Auto Dialer Definition Under TCPA in 'Facebook v. Duguid'

While this decision will eliminate TCPA litigation based on claims that the call or text was made from a device that had the mere "capacity" to store numbers to be called and to dial such numbers automatically, it will not eliminate all TCPA litigation.
5 minute read

Legaltech News

'Cannot Be Secret Proceedings': Federal Court Petition Wants Video Access to Virtual Hearings

"There is no doubt that the pandemic provides a compelling reason for remote courtrooms. It does not, however, provide a reason to exclude the public from watching what happens in those remote courtrooms, a practice that therefore violates the First Amendment," the filing reads.
6 minute read

Legaltech News

Virtual Try-On Technology: Inside the Current & Anticipated Biometric Privacy Legal Landscape

Virtual try-on technology that relies on facial recognition software is also quickly emerging as the next major target of bet-the-company biometric privacy class action litigation.
8 minute read

Legaltech News

The EU's New SCCs Are a Complex Solution for a More Complex World

The EU released new standard contractual clauses to help businesses navigate the increasingly complex state of modern data transfers. But first, companies will have to figure out how and when to use them.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

Legal Tech Companies Want to Go Public. Can They Withstand the Scrutiny?

Recent allegations and investigations regarding data analytics provider Nuix highlights that not all legal tech companies can handle the additional pressures that come after an IPO.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

How Mobility and Security Are Driving Litigation Trends

A recent report revealed that leading litigators are already working on a shift to better equip and secure an increasingly mobile workforce, and that advocacy and litigation management is changing for good.
4 minute read

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