Inside Counsel

Norfolk Southern will shell out $1.1 million to three whistleblowers

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is coming down hard on Norfolk Southern Railway Co.
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

Bayer designates $1.5 billion for litigation over Yasmin and Yaz contraceptives

It's always important to prepare for litigation, and Bayer AG is doing just that, battening its hatches and setting aside more than $1.5 billion to cover expenses related to the wave of lawsuits the company is facing over its Yasmin and Yaz oral contraceptives.
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

Case claims Johnson & Johnson knew about hip implant defects before recall

In the wake of Johnson & Johnsons 2010 recall of its ASR artificial hip implants, the company was slammed with more than 10,000 lawsuits.
5 minute read

Inside Counsel

Quiz: Test your knowledge of February's top legal news stories

How well do you remember the most significantand strangestlegal events of the past month?
13 minute read

Inside Counsel

“Girls Gone Wild” files for bankruptcy

They say sex sells, but it apparently wasnt enough to keep the company behind Girls Gone Wild out of bankruptcy.
4 minute read

International Edition

Fee pressure deters rising stars at Bar as silk applications dip

Barristers are being put off from applying for QC status because they fear losing out on work amid acute pressure on fees, according to senior figures at the Bar. The news comes as it was announced this week that 84 out of 183 applicants were awarded QC status this year – the lowest number on both counts since the selection procedure was revamped in 2006.
4 minute read

International Edition

Slaughters brought in by SFO for multimillion-pound Tchenguiz claim

Slaughter and May has been instructed by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) to defend it against claims totalling as much as £300m resulting from its failed investigation into businessmen and brothers Robert and Vincent Tchenguiz. The SFO today (28 February) confirmed the appointment of the magic circle firm, which comes after the collapse of the long-running investigation into the brothers for suspected impropriety in relation to the 2008 failure of Icelandic bank Kaupthing.
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

Supreme Court’s <em>Amgen</em> decision makes it easier for shareholders to bring class actions

The Supreme Court handed down a decision yesterday that experts say will have big implications for securities class action litigation.
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

Supreme Court: <em>Oxford Health Plans v. Sutter</em> asks whether parties agree to class arbitration by failing to mention it

Class action and arbitration issues are at the center of the Supreme Courts docket this term.
7 minute read

Inside Counsel

Cablevision attacks practice of bundling TV channels in lawsuit against Viacom

The antitrust lawsuit Cablevision Systems Corp. filed on Tuesday may appear only to be against Viacom Inc., but in reality the company is taking on the entire television industry.
2 minute read


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