International Edition

Big Bang put on hold as Legal Services Bill delayed till 2010

The Legal Services Bill is unlikely to come into force before 2010 in a move that will raise questions over the future of the UK profession's much-hyped 'Big Bang' law reforms. The Bill is set to receive Royal Assent this autumn and had been expected to come into force during 2008-09, making the UK by far the most liberal legal services market in the world.
3 minute read

International Edition

Bar watchdog set for modernisation push

Barristers are facing a major shake-up of their professional standards as the Bar Standards Board (BSB) gears up for a full-scale review of its core code of conduct. The standards committee, chaired by Brick Court Chambers' Charles Hollander QC, will redraw the Bar's code of conduct from scratch in an attempt to modernise the profession.
2 minute read

International Edition

Senior litigators sound alarm on Business Court proposals and daily court fees push

Plans for the new flagship Business Court have come under fire from litigators, as fresh concerns have emerged over Government proposals to hike civil court fees. Concerns over the proposed court were aired at a Court Service meeting held earlier this month. The meeting was attended by the Commercial Litigation Association (CLAN), the London Solicitors Litigation Association (LSLA) and the Chancery Bar Association.
2 minute read

International Edition

One Essex Court's Carr dies after heart attack

One Essex Court is mourning the loss of Christopher Carr QC, who died at the beginning of this month (2 March). Carr, who was number two in chambers under Lord Grabiner QC, suffered a heart attack on his way to chambers.
2 minute read

International Edition

One Garden Court's Platt steps down from top role

Family set 1 Garden Court's joint head of chambers, Eleanor Platt QC, is due to stand down later this month (29 March) to make way for younger tenants. Platt will be replaced by Stephen Cobb QC after 17 years leading the chambers. Cobb will work alongside joint head of chambers Alison Ball QC. Platt, who will continue to practise from 1 Garden Court, said: "It is time to give way to the next generation." One Garden Court is one of the largest sets specialising solely in family law, with 53 members.
1 minute read

International Edition

New QC system in doubt after application shortfall

The new QC appointments system is facing an uncertain future after it was confirmed today (9 March) that applications for the kitemark have fallen by more than 100 from last year's figure. A total of 333 applications have been received by the QC appointment panel this year, compared to 443 in 2006. The drop leaves the system facing a major shortfall from the 500 anticipated by QC Appointments, the body charged with overseeing the self-financing process.
2 minute read

International Edition

Female appointments to judiciary top 40%

The number of women appointed to the judiciary has almost doubled over the last eight years, according to figures published by the Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA) today (8 March). In a speech to the International Women's Day Debate, DCA equalities minister Vera Baird today said the proportion of women appointed to judicial office had increased to 41% of new appointments between 1 April, 2005, and 31 March last year.
1 minute read

International Edition

CEDR Solve set for Saturday service

The dispute resolution and prevention arm of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) is set to open for business on Saturdays, the mediation body announced today (7 March). CEDR Solve has launched a new Saturday service to accommodate what it says is a growing demand for out-of-hours availability from its clients. The service will be initially piloted with a number of voluntary mediators before being rolled out across the whole of the organisation.
1 minute read

International Edition

CEDR Solve set for Saturday service

The dispute resolution and prevention arm of the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) is set to open for business on Saturdays, the mediation body announced today (7 March). CEDR Solve has launched a new Saturday service to accommodate what it says is a growing demand for out-of-hours availability from its clients. The service will be initially piloted with a number of voluntary mediators before being rolled out across the whole of the organisation.
2 minute read

International Edition

Applications dip puts pressure on QC funding model

The newly-reformed QC regime's self-financing funding model is coming under pressure, it has emerged, following a shortfall in projected applications. The head of the QC appointments secretariat, David Watts, has conceded that the 39% rise in the cost of applying for silk, which this year saw application fees rise from £1,800 to £2,500, was in part a response to a shortfall in applications.
2 minute read


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