Daily Business Review

Oil Workers Flee Venezuela's Crisis for a Better Life

Over the years Nieves Ribullen has watched dozens of co-workers abandon poverty wages and dangerous working conditions at the rundown complex of refineries in Punto Fijo on Venezuela's Caribbean coast for jobs in far-flung places such as Kuwait, Angola and Chile.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

US Sanctions on PDVSA Look Like a De Facto Oil Embargo

The Trump administration sanctioned Petroleos de Venezuela SA and the country's central bank on Monday, the latest move to raise pressure on President Nicolas Maduro after the U.S. recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido as interim president.
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Significant Environmental Cases in Pa. Courts During 2018 (Part 2)

The Pennsylvania appellate courts decided a relatively large number of environmental cases during 2018. In this part of the series, I will discuss enforcement, the Oil and Gas Act, valuation and a few other cases of note.
8 minute read

Daily Business Review

Court Overturns Forced Sale of West Palm's Oxbow Carbon

Palm Beach billionaire William I. Koch no longer faces a court order to sell his $2.5 billion energy company at the urging of two private equity stakeholders.
4 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Del. High Court Overturns Forced Sale of William Koch's Oxbow Carbon

The Delaware Supreme Court on Thursday reversed a Chancery Court decision forcing billionaire William I. Koch to sell his $3 billion energy company so that two private equity firms could recoup their investment in the company.
4 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Significant Environmental Cases in Pa. Courts During 2018 (Part I)

The Pennsylvania appellate courts decided a relatively large number of environmental cases during 2018. The following survey attempts to characterize them very briefly.
9 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

How States Are Regulating the Environmental Impacts of a Newly Legalized Industry

This column surveys some of the ways states have chosen to regulate the environmental impacts of cannabis legalization in an effort to understand which issues have been prime targets for regulation, where some regulatory inconsistencies between the states exist, and what may be growing targets for regulation in the future.
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

EPA and Army Corps Again Propose to Redefine 'Waters of the United States'

On Dec. 11, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers (collectively, the agencies) released a long-awaited proposed rule that would redefine “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act (CWA).
6 minute read

Daily Report Online

11th Circuit Says Coal Company Can Break Promise to Pay Retired Miners' Benefits

The judges said that, in allowing Walter Energy to shift health care benefits to the federal government, the court was rendering its decision based on the law, not as policymakers.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Taking Property Rights Quickly Is Not a 'Quick Take' Under Federal Law

On Dec. 14, 2018, New Jersey's federal district court rendered a long awaited decision in the PennEast natural gas pipeline litigation, which authorized the pipeline company to use the power of eminent domain.
8 minute read

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