Litigation Daily

Defense Contractor Wants Afghan Law Applied to Suit in LA--Except for the Flogging Part

At first glance, the complaint looks like your average drunk driving negligence suit. Except defense contracting giant AECOM argues Afghan law should apply. Not the part about flogging the driver or women being unable to testify--just the part about no vicarious liability.
11 minute read

New York Law Journal

U.S. Not Immune in Suit Over Admiral's Injury at Retirement Fete

The U.S. government is not shielded from a lawsuit filed by a retired admiral in the New York Naval Militia who was seriously injured while preparing to deliver an invocation at a Coast Guard retirement ceremony, a federal judge ruled.
7 minute read

Daily Report Online

After Nixing Multiple Settlement Offers, Insurer Is Hit With $850K Verdict

The lawyers for a woman who was injured in a car wreck said they bent over backward to give the defendant driver's insurer a chance to tender her $100,000 policy limits before taking the case to trial, extending the deadline to respond and going so far as to have the plaintiff's surgeon speak to the claims adjuster and confirm that cervical surgery would be necessary.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Independent Medical Examination Watchdog: a Bark Worse Than Its Bite

Robert D. Lang and Lenore E. Benessere discuss the recent case “IME Watchdog v. Baker, McEvoy, Morrissey & Moskovits” which raises a new issue when it comes to the manner in which an independent medical examination is conducted, namely whether plaintiffs' attorneys may hire third-parties to audit the examinations and even direct plaintiffs not to participate in all portions of the them.
16 minute read

New York Law Journal

Tort Liability and the 'Self-Driving' Car

Robert Kelner and Gail Kelner of Kelner & Kelner forsee that self-driving cars will inevitably be the subject of litigation in New York. In their Trial Practice column, they look at the present automated technology, and then discuss where the law may go with these self-driving cars.
24 minute read

The Recorder

Manzari v. Associated Newspapers Ltd.

4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Suit Against State Over Child's Death in House Fire Ends With $2.6M Accord

The state on July 19 paid a $2.6 million settlement reached in a Middlesex County suit claiming that negligence by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency contributed to the death of a 7-year-old boy in a house fire.
11 minute read

The Recorder

Cox v. Superior Court (Kernan)

4 minute read

The Recorder

Santos v. Kisco Senior Living, LLC

3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Horst v. Union Carbide, PICS Case No. 16-0768 (C.P. Lackawanna April 27, 2016) Nealon, J. (71 pages).

Plaintiff in mesothelioma lawsuit survived summary judgment on most counts due to extensive experience and detailed testimony, matched with careful and extensive case law review on the part of the court. Defendants' motions for summary judgment granted in part and denied in part.
8 minute read


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