Corporate Counsel

PayPal Chief Legal Officer: You're Not Too Busy for Pro Bono

PayPal chief legal officer Louise Pentland dispelled some common myths about pro bono work in the corporate legal world.
7 minute read

Supreme Court Brief

Kagan Dishes on Taking Chances, Anger at the Court and Going to Law School 'For All the Wrong Reasons'

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was clearly pumped by the audience she was addressing in Virginia recently. Hundreds of law students looking for public interest jobs at the Equal Justice Works career fair took a break to hear Kagan's own story about her path to the nation's highest court. Along the way, she offered advice, life lessons, and stories from her life at the court.
14 minute read

New York Law Journal

The Benefits of Pro Bono

Pro bono legal representation has long been the best way to demolish the barriers to courts for people who would otherwise be blocked from justice. Unfortunately, the ABA's most recent survey found that approximately 64 percent of respondents had not rendered the recommended 50 hours per year to people of limited means.
10 minute read

New York Law Journal

Legal Aid Recognizes Willkie for Pro Bono

By | October 31, 2016
Willkie Farr & Gallagher received the 2016 Jonathan Lippman New York Pro Bono Publico & Public Service Law Firm Award from the Legal Aid Society Wednesday.
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

Pro Bono Honored in the Hudson Valley

By | October 27, 2016
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley held a pro bono celebration on Wednesday and recognized eight attorneys and one paralegal who helped LSHV clients with Chapter 7 bankruptcy matters.
2 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

The Celebration of Pro Bono Expands to Paralegals

The American Bar Association (ABA) Celebration of Pro Bono is happening now through Oct. 29. The National Celebration of Pro Bono highlights the increasing need for pro bono services. Although national in breadth, this initiative provides an opportunity for legal organizations across the country to collaboratively commemorate the vitally important contributions of America's lawyers and to recruit and train the many additional volunteers required to meet the growing demand. This initiative provides a format for ­showcasing the incredible difference that pro bono lawyers make to our nation, to our system of justice, to our communities and, most of all, to the clients they serve. However, the Celebration of Pro Bono continues to support, encourage and embrace the role of a paralegal in assisting in the pro bono platform. In fact, Linda A. Klein, president of the American Bar Association, (ABA), states: "The pro bono work accomplished by lawyers across America is dependent, in part, on the invaluable support of trained paralegals and legal assistants. The ABA is appreciative of the National Federation of Paralegal Association's leadership to ­promote pro bono by its member organizations and of the tremendous pro bono commitment of individual paralegals throughout the country."
9 minute read

International Edition

African Legal Awards CSR Initiative of the Year: Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells' support of a clinic that provides trauma counselling and legal assistance for victims of child abuse in South Africa earned it the CSR Initiative of the Year
2 minute read

Legal Week

African Legal Awards CSR Initiative of the Year: Hogan Lovells

Hogan Lovells' support of a clinic that provides trauma counselling and legal assistance for victims of child abuse in South Africa earned it the CSR Initiative of the Year
2 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

The Philadelphia Association of Paralegal Calendar of Events

By | October 27, 2016
• On Oct. 27, the technology committee lunch 'n learn will be held at 12:30 p.m., at Rawle & Henderson, 1339 Chestnut St. (The Widener Building), 16th Floor. Sherrill Dresnin, from LexisNexis, will speak about valuable tools in researching expert witnesses in various practice groups. Lunch will be pizza, and ­refreshments will be provided. RSVP to [email protected] to ­reserve your seat.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

City Bar Justice Center Presents Pro Bono Awards

By | October 26, 2016
The New York City Bar Justice Center presented its annual Jeremy G. Epstein Awards for Outstanding Pro Bono Service on Monday.
21 minute read


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