Daily Business Review

Going Solo: Six Financial Tips for Setting Up Your Own Law Firm

Many associates in large law firms dream of the day when they can go out on their own. However, without a clear understanding of the financial and operational realities involved in running a law practice, the transition from lawyer to small business owner can become a challenging one.
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Millennial Attorneys: How to Make Your First Year Work for You

The legal profession is notoriously slow when it comes to adapting to change. Even though many law firms are doing a better job of adjusting to millennial lawyers' needs and expectations, and law schools are requiring more practical curricula, the transition from law school to practice still proves tough for many new attorneys.
8 minute read

The Recorder

How to Write a Great Thank You Note

Sending a thank you note is a must after every meaningful professional encounter. Blow it off and your candidacy could be DOA or your reputation tainted.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

BAR REPORT - April programming includes women's summit, attorney wellness, paralegals and more

A list of upcoming April events of interest to NJSBA members
3 minute read

Texas Lawyer

A Company's #MeToo Moment

The #MeToo movement has empowered victims of harassment in ways never before thought possible, exposing the “open secrets” of serial abusers and…
5 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Good Practices for Sharing Space With Other Attorneys

While co-working spaces may cure the discomfort of isolation, allow attorneys to save on overhead costs, and provide an opportunity for peer feedback, they are not without risk.
6 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Diversity Successes Reflected at Elite Law Reviews

Recent diversity efforts might be paying off as more students of color take the helm at prestigious law reviews
8 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

A Spring Crop of Ethics Issues in Trump's World

Despite appearances, it's spring and Donald Trump and his attorney Michael Cohen have provided us with a brand new crop of ethics issues. Let's take a look at the issues that have come up and how they would be treated under the Pennsylvania Rules of Professional Conduct.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

How to Take Your Side Without Risking Client Base

After serious events impact the public, people begin to take sides. Some rally together for reform, while others push to keep things the same. Following the tragedy at Stoneman Marjorie Douglas High School in Parkland, it became evident that the second amendment and gun control have caused a clear divide in opinion.
3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Playing Both Sides: Facing the Harsh Truth of Law Firm Service Duality

Recently, Hugh A. Simons wrote for American Lawyer an enticing argument advocating elite law firms increase their rates. In one striking comment, Simons suggests elite law firms jettison any and all commodity services.
9 minute read


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