The Legal Intelligencer

Pa. State Police v. Kim, PICS Case No. 16-1486 (Pa. Commw. Nov. 17, 2016) Simpson, J. (11 pages).

By | December 09, 2016
A private surveillance video obtained by the state police pursuant to a criminal investigation was exempt from disclosure pursuant to the Criminal History Record Information Act and the criminal investigative exemption of the Right-to-Know Law. Final determination of the OOR reversed.
6 minute read

National Law Journal

Mug Shots Are Not Secret Records, Detroit Paper Tells Supreme Court

The Detroit Free Press is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a court decision that restricts public access to the mug shots of federal criminal defendants. Booking photos provide an "important window" into the government's exercise of its police powers, the media outlet said in its petition in Detroit Free Press v. U.S. Department of Justice.
10 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Gilleran v. Twp. of Bloomfield

By | November 22, 2016
Township Need Not Disclose Security Video Recordings From Municipal Building
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Cases Seeking Disclosure About NYPD Muslim Surveillance Will Be Heard by Appeals Court

The state Court of Appeals said Monday it would hear a case in which an appellate court ruled that it was acceptable for the New York City Police Department to refuse to acknowledge existence of records sought by members of the public under the Freedom of Information Law.
3 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Transgender Plaintiff Seeks Easier Revision to Birth Certificate

A transgender woman who wants to change the gender noted on her birth certificate has filed a lawsuit against the state Department of Health in federal court for the right to do so.
6 minute read

National Law Journal

Hillary Clinton's Legal Woes Press On Post-Election

Clinton may have lost the presidential race but lawsuits and investigations still cast a shadow.
9 minute read

Litigation Daily

Pence and His Big Law Counsel Wage Their Own Email Secrecy Fight

Sorry Mike Pence--turnabout is fair play. You can't spend weeks demanding that Hillary Clinton bare all of her emails and then think it's A-OK to claim your communications as governor of Indiana should be shielded from disclosure.
18 minute read

Daily Report Online

Columbus Mayor, Judge Sued Over 'Troubled' Recorders Court Operations

The Southern Center for Human Rights is suing the mayor of Columbus, the chief judge of the city Recorders Court and his clerk on behalf of two indigent women who contend they were unconstitutionally jailed and denied court records necessary to challenge their convictions.
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Commonwealth v. Walsh/Granite JV, PICS Case No. 16-1367 (Pa. Commw. Oct. 31, 2016) Pellegrini, J. (20 pages).

By | November 11, 2016
Office of open records erred in holding that the proposals of unsuccessful bidders on a bridge replacement project had to be disclosed under the Right-to-Know law because the P3 law was a standalone law that was separate and distinct from the RTKL and the P3 law provided that public disclosure was limited to successful proposals only. Reversed.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

NY's Highest Court Rejects Expansion of Common Interest Doctrine and Upholds Narrow Privilege Rule

The legal landscape surrounding the common interest doctrine is not uniform, and the recent decision further muddies the waters.
16 minute read

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