The Legal Intelligencer

Wishnefsky v. Pa. Dep't of Corr., PICS Case No. 16-1010 (Pa. Commw. July 29, 2016) Cohn Jubelirer, J. (15 pages).

By | August 19, 2016
The Office of Open Records erred when it issued its final determination denying petitioner's RTKL request, where the Department of Corrections altered its basis for denial of petitioner's request. Order of the OOR vacated, case remanded.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

Environmentalists Seek Coral Protection in Port Everglades Project

Environmental groups want a federal court to order more protection for coral reefs during the planned expansion of Port Everglades in Broward County.
6 minute read

Corporate Counsel

New Trend in Internal Investigations Is Less Writing, More Speaking

When Baylor University decided to ask for an oral rather than written report on its recent internal probe of sexual assault by football players on campus, some eyebrows were raised.
15 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Clearfield Cnty. V. Bigler Boyz Enviro, Inc., PICS Case No. 16-0983 (Pa. Commw. July 28, 2016) Wojcik, J. (14 pages).

By | August 12, 2016
Handwritten notes taken by a county commissioner with respect to unsolicited phone calls from concerned citizens did not qualify as records under the Right-to-Know Law because the documents of a public office holder did not constitute the transaction or activity of a public agency. Order of the trial court affirmed.
6 minute read

National Law Journal

King & Spalding Takes Feds to Court Over Heart-Device Investigation Docs

The law firm King & Spalding is suing federal health regulators and the U.S. Justice Department for information about the government's now-closed investigation of the medical device company Abiomed Inc.
14 minute read

New York Law Journal

Bronx Defenders File Suit to Access NYPD Records

The New York City Police Department is violating the state's open records law by failing to release records pertaining to its policies for seizing property from arrestees.
4 minute read

National Law Journal

DOJ Can't Shield Names of All Immigration Judges Who Face Complaints, DC Circuit Rules

The U.S. Department of Justice cannot indiscriminately keep secret the names of immigration judges who are the subject of misconduct complaints, a federal appeals court in Washington ruled on Friday.
7 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Supreme Court Rules Blind Sex Offender Should Still Receive State Rental Assistance

The Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled that a blind sex offender should not have been removed from the state's rental assistance program because his name was on the state's sex offender registry.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Unsealed NYPD Documents Reveal New Information in Shooting Case

A federal judge has declined New York City's request to seal a "letter of instruction" placed in the file of a police lieutenant involved in the fatal shooting by officers of a mentally disturbed man.
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Pa. State Sys. of Higher Educ. v. Ass'n of State Coll. & Univ. Faculties, PICS Case No. 16-0872 (Pa. Commw. July 6, 2016) Pellegrini, P.J. (22 pages).

Office of Open Records properly found that Right-to-Know Law requests for universities' correspondence relating to budgets and financial reports, training documents for new hires in the finance offices and instructions regarding feedback were sufficiently specific under § 703 but erred in rejecting universities' exemption. Affirmed in part, vacated in part and remanded.
6 minute read

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