Inside Counsel

Spotlight on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

In the wake of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, Congress introduced the DoddFrank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
10 minute read

Inside Counsel

2nd Circuit orders unrestricted sale of some emergency contraceptives

The 2nd Circuit has ordered the over-the-counter sale of some types of emergency contraception pills without age limits, even as the federal government continues its court battle to preserve restrictions on the pills.
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

Joe Lieberman joins Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman

Joseph Lieberman, a former senator and onetime candidate for vice president, is going back to private practice.
12 minute read

Inside Counsel

Have the European views on legal privilege impacted North-American in-house practices?

In 2010 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) rendered a major decision that has since been the subject of extensive discussions (Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd and Akcros Chemicals Ltd v. European Commission).
5 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: The do’s and don’ts of corporate internal investigations—Part 3

In internal investigations, identifying the client with precision is essential.
8 minute read

Inside Counsel

White House takes on patent trolls with legislative proposals and executive orders

The Obama administration took on the patent troll problem on Tuesday when it released a package of legislative recommendations and executive orders.
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: Companies should take action on employee tips in light of the SEC whistleblower program

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, enacted by Congress in 2010, brought significant changes to financial regulation in the U.S.
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

Quiz: How well do you remember May's legal news stories?

It's that time again--time to test your knowledge of May's most significant (or strangest) legal happenings.
28 minute read

Inside Counsel

Think twice before calling the Supreme Court “pro-business”

Is the current Supreme Court pro-business? That assertion has been made with increasing frequency, most recently in a New York Times article headlined Corporations Find a Friend in the Supreme Court.
12 minute read

Inside Counsel

Wal-Mart and other retailers meet about factory safety in Bangladesh

Wal-Mart and several other retailers are convening in an effort to improve the safety of factory workers in Bangladesh.
7 minute read


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