Inside Counsel

Government seized AP’s reporters’ and editors’ phone records

Last week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) informed the AP that it had seized two months of its reporters and editors phone recordsan act AP President Gary Pruitt is calling a serious interference with A.P.s constitutional rights to gather and report news.
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

IRS apologizes for scrutinizing conservative groups

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has fired up conservative political groups.
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

Facts & Figures: IP attorneys escape shrinking demand for legal services

From social media usage to a predicted rise in class actions, an inside look at the numbers that count
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

Practical guidance for in-house pro bono programs

Launching or refreshing your legal departments pro bono program can seem like a daunting task, but with just a few steps you can set up your department to have a successful pro bono program and your attorneys to have a positive pro bono experience.
9 minute read

International Edition

SRA calls on largest law firms to publish diversity data in push to improve access to legal profession

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has called on more of the UK's largest law firms to get involved in its efforts to collate comprehensive diversity statistics following the publication of a major report on the make-up of the legal profession. The regulator last month published its first report, 'Diversity in the legal profession: workforce data for solicitors firms 2012', on the back of the Legal Services Board's (LSB's) controversial plans to force law firms and barristers' chambers to publish internal diversity and social mobility statistics on their websites. The initiative is part of the LSB's push to open up the profession to prospective lawyers from non-traditional backgrounds. The body hopes that by making the information – which is collated by approved regulators such as the SRA – available to clients, pressure will be placed on firms to further improve access to the profession.
3 minute read

Inside Counsel

Litigation: When does a company have a duty to preserve evidence?

There is no consensus among state or federal courts on the standards that govern preservation and spoliation issues.
3 minute read

Inside Counsel

FTC warns data brokers of possible privacy violations

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has put data brokers on notice, with a series of letters alerting 10 companies that they may be running afoul of federal privacy law.
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

SuperConference session aims to tackle social media challenges

A Day Two SuperConference session aimed to tackle the myriad social media-related challenges that in-house counsel face.
7 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: SEC enters into its first NPA for FCPA violations

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) has been a focus of federal regulation and enforcement. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently entered into its first nonprosecution agreement (NPA) for FCPA violations.
9 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: The do’s and don’ts of corporate internal investigations

In any given week, news headlines reveal numerous examples of fraud and misconduct occurring at corporations.
9 minute read


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