Inside Counsel

Federal judge strikes down FBI surveillance provisions

A federal judge ruled unconstitutional on Friday a national security law that allows the federal government to seize customer information from companies without a warrant.
5 minute read

Inside Counsel

SEC’s fraud enforcement will likely slow down

Since the financial crisis hit, it seems like its been all fraud cases all the time.
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

Facts & Figures: Corporate counsel report increased litigation, regulatory investigations

From law firm profits to part-time lawyers, an inside look at the numbers that count
5 minute read

Inside Counsel

Supreme Court justices warn Congress about sequestration effects

The White House and Congress have already engaged in public squabbling over sequestration, and now the judiciary is getting in on the action.
2 minute read

International Edition

A&O US financial services regulatory chief exits to join Milbank

Allen & Overy (A&O) has seen the departure of US financial services regulatory head Douglas Landy to Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy. Landy, who has been at the magic circle firm since 2008 after joining from Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft, joined Milbank yesterday (14 March).
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

Technology: Is there any real incentive for safeguarding data in the information age?

The best way to protect personal information is never to disclose it.
5 minute read

Inside Counsel

EU regulators warn of mobile app privacy concerns

Mobile apps are under fire yet again, this time from privacy regulators across the pond, who expressed concern over the personal data these apps are collecting from users.
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

FDA calorie labeling requirements spark controversy

Obamacare has caused a lot of controversy, and the uproar isnt limited to the healthcare arena.
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: What to expect in the energy sector

During President Obamas first term, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a series of aggressive rulemakings targeting coal-fired boilers, including those that supply power to the nations power grid, as well as institutional or industrial coal-fired boilers that serve a specific facility
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: In-house counsel must become actively involved in privacy matters—Part 2

This article is the second in a series of three to discuss the importance of, and recent developments affecting, privacy and data security, and the issues that corporate counsel need to consider in these areas.
6 minute read

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