Corporate Counsel

NYSE and Nasdaq propose compensation committee independence standards

Rules aim to heighten independence standards for public companies compensation committees
24 minute read

Corporate Counsel

9th Circuit rejects public nuisance suit against greenhouse gas emitters

Court finds in <em>Kivalina v. ExxonMobil</em> that the EPA and Clean Air Act displaced the Village of Kivalina's tort case
6 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The IC Top 20: The most important news stories of 2012

A roundup of 20 headline-making stories from the past year that in-house counsel couldnt afford to miss.
120 minute read

Inside Counsel

Cheat Sheet: What employers need to know about the Affordable Care Act

In the November feature Pay or Play, InsideCounsel provides a look at the key factors that companies should consider when deciding whether to comply with the Affordable Care Actor face a stiff fine for failing to do so.
13 minute read

Inside Counsel

Protecting against UDAAP violations

In this article, we suggest ways in which financial institutions can protect themselves against unfair, deceptive or abusive acts and practices (UDAAP) violations through a combination of efforts, including employee compliance training, programs for receipt and analysis of consumer complaints, and increased consideration of financial products from the perspective of...
9 minute read

International Edition

GCs call for influence training to improve career prospects

The vast majority of general counsel are keen to receive training on influence to boost their career prospects, according to a major new research project by Nabarro. The firm's third annual general counsel report – which surveyed 100 GCs from FTSE-listed and large private companies – this year focused on the subject of influence.
3 minute read

Inside Counsel

Manufacturer of allegedly contaminated steroid tries to distance itself from meningitis outbreak

Lawsuits against the manufacturer that made the allegedly contaminated steroids responsible for a deadly meningitis outbreak across the nation are getting incredibly serious.
2 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: Numerous EPA regulations coming after election

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did not issue many major new regulations during the year prior to the November 2012, perhaps out of concern that this would give campaign fodder to Republican opponents of stronger environmental regulations.
9 minute read

Inside Counsel

9 noteworthy in-house career moves

Charting some of the most recent GC and in-house appointments
19 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: The next compliance frontier

On Sept. 25, President Obama added his signature to a groundbreaking Executive Order designed to eradicate human trafficking from all federal contracting, regardless of contract amount or nature of services provided.
4 minute read

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