Corporate Counsel

Self-directed tax plan could allow churches to participate in politics

A Florida law professor has a solution to the controversial ban on political activities for churches
7 minute read

Corporate Counsel

JOBS Act relaxes SEC requirements for emerging-growth companies

By reducing regulatory burden on startup companies, the JOBS Act looks to shore up the U.S. IPO market
7 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Failure-to-warn claims preempted in Texas unless the FDA finds fraud

5th Circuit decision deepens circuit split on fraud-on-the-FDA statute preemption
11 minute read

Inside Counsel

FTC brings in a ringer to run Google antitrust investigation

Perhaps Google Inc. should be on watch. The Federal Trade Commission announced yesterday that it hired Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison Partner Beth Wilkinson to lead its antitrust investigation into whether Google has taken advantage of its prominence in web search advertising.
3 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: Limiting corporate political activity

In the wake of Citizens United and other deregulatory court cases, corporations and unions are now permitted to spend their own funds on express advocacy or electioneering communications.
6 minute read

Inside Counsel

Regulatory: 7 points to consider in regard to FCPA due diligence

Focus on the acts of joint venture partners and agents
4 minute read

Inside Counsel

3 companies discuss social media governance policies

Given the furor last month when news that companies are asking prospective employees for their Facebook passwords made national headlines, it should come as little surprise that a panel of experts weighed in on how best to manage corporate social media policies on the second day of InsideCounsels 12th annual...
9 minute read

Inside Counsel

Keynote roundup: SuperConference day 2

The second day of SuperConference kicked off with a keynote panel on how general counsel can shape government policy.
6 minute read

Inside Counsel

Surgical mesh litigation moves forward

A group of cringe-worthy product-liability lawsuits concerning transvaginal mesh (TVM) are moving forward.
2 minute read

International Edition

SRA requirement to appoint compliance officers risks clash of responsibilities

Law firms must balance independence with business knowledge when choosing who to appoint as their new compliance officer, say Stephen Ralph and Peter Scott
5 minute read

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