National Law Journal

US Justice Dept. Wins 'WhatsApp' Surveillance Order on Appeal

A Washington federal judge this month granted the U.S. Justice Department permission to surveil a WhatsApp account as part of an ongoing criminal investigation, a decision that overruled a magistrate judge.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Discoverability of Non-Public Information on Social Media

In their New York Court of Appeals Roundup, Lynn K. Neuner and William T. Russell Jr. discuss 'Forman v. Henkin', a unanimous decision in which the court held that the normal rules of discovery applied to a party's social media posts and the mere fact that certain information had been designated “private” did not require a higher or different discovery standard.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Trump Twitter's Gov't Role Eyed by Judge in Free-Speech Case

In a letter Tuesday, the judge asked the government to explain why First Amendment protections it agreed kept other official accounts from blocking people didn't apply to Trump's.
3 minute read

Daily Business Review

How to Address Website Accessibility Issues Now

After years of inaction by the Department of Justice, courts have begun to address the issue of website accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Delete at Your Own Risk: How Government Social Media Can Run Afoul of the First Amendment

While there is an extensive body of law on the First Amendment, New York courts have only addressed government social media in evidentiary disputes. However, recent decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court and a federal district court in Virginia suggest that the rigorous protections afforded to freedom of speech generally extend to the digital realm as well.
7 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Video: Twitch GC Talks Deals, Outside Counsel and Gaming an In-House Career

Twitch Interactive GC Elizabeth "Boo" Baker has seen the video game streaming company from startup through its 2014 acquisition by Amazon. In this video, she describes her job's highlights, what she demands from outside counsel, and how she climbed the in-house ladder.
2 minute read

The Recorder

Quinn Emanuel, BlackBerry Take On Facebook Over Messaging

BlackBerry Ltd., which no longer makes its own mobile phones, still holds a trove of mobile technology patents, and on Tuesday it unleashed them against the CrackBerry of the current decade: Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
3 minute read

The Recorder

Social Media Divorces—5 Things to Avoid Posting During a Divorce

In recent years, with the surge in the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram, married people's activities on these sites have either become the cause of divorce or been used as evidence in divorce cases.
6 minute read

Texas Lawyer

Beware the IP Pitfalls of Social Media Influencer Campaigns

Brand authenticity is the gold standard for product marketing. These days companies are increasingly relying on social media “influencers” for…
5 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Former ESPN Host Claims Sexual Harassment By Fellow Talent

Former ESPN sports anchor Adrienne Lawrence sues the network, claiming ongoing sexual abuse, specifically by current sports anchor John Buccigross.
3 minute read


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