The Recorder

In Expanded Uber Settlement, FTC Hammers Home Security Message

The regulator warned tech companies to make sure their software development environments are secure. Uber's 2016 breach came after an engineer stored an access key to a cloud database in code hosted on GitHub.
3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Court Provides Guidance on the Authentication of Social Media Posts, Or Does It?

Facebook has been making headlines lately over claims it shared personal data on more than 87 million people to the political data firm, Cambridge Analytica for use in the 2016 presidential election. In the midst of the Cambridge Analytica chaos, the Pennsylvania Superior Court provided long-overdue guidance on the authentication of posts from Facebook and other social media platforms.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

Facebook Collected Users' Text and Calls Logs. Will the FTC Act?

On Android mobile operating systems, Facebook could bundle its permissions requests, leaving users in the dark about exactly what data the mobile app was collecting.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Legal Tech Hits Probate Lawyers: EstateExec Looks to Streamline Estate Settlement

The project management platform for estate settlement doesn't aim to replace lawyers, but it does allow users to perform many administrative and financial tasks on their own.
3 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Here's How Startups Can Build Patent Strength Fast

Everybody knows that strong patents help decide the winners and losers of business competition. But there's another, little-known way for companies to acquire the patents they need: they can simply buy them.
7 minute read

Legaltech News

Too Fast for Comfort? Cloud-Based App Deployment Outpacing Security Abilities

The 2018 Enterprise Cloud Trends report found that most organizations' IT staff are struggling to keep up with the demand for cost-effective enterprise cloud applications.
4 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

A Year Later: The Impact in Delaware From the US Supreme Court's 'TC Heartland'

Almost one year ago, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the landmark case of TC Heartland v. Kraft Foods Group Brands. The decision upended what had been the status quo on the issue of where venue lies in patent infringement actions.
6 minute read

The Recorder

Feud Erupts Over Whether Tezos ICO Lawsuit Should Be Split in Two

A San Diego securities lawyer is trying to get his case against the blockchain project back to state court. But fellow plaintiffs attorneys object, saying he "should not be permitted to split the baby or get a second bite at the apple."
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Catalyst Acquires TotalDiscovery, Expanding Legal Hold, Collection Capabilities

The deal will primarily be used to expand Catalyst's core offering to offer an integrated program, Insight Discovery, that spans the EDRM.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Running After Regulations: Nasdaq BWise Announces Rule Management Tool

BWise Regulatory Change Management will offer "augmented regulatory content" that helps explain how a rule change will affect a financial company.
4 minute read


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