New Jersey Law Journal

Moody v. Atlantic City Bd. of Ed.

Employee Who Exercised Sole Authority Over Worker's Hours Was Supervisor for Title VII/NJLAD Liability
6 minute read

The Recorder

Lam v. City of San Jose

9th Cir.; 16-16052 The court of appeals affirmed a judgment. The court held that conflicts as to some of the details of a witness’ testimony did…
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

NY High Court Rejects Constitutional Right to Assisted Suicide

New York's highest court rejected the argument Thursday that mentally competent, terminally ill patients have a constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, upholding lower court rulings.
15 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Whistleblower Nets $2.25M Exposing NM Medicaid Scheme

Santa Fe, New Mexico's St. Vincent Regional Medical Center and its Irving, Texas-based partner Christus Health have agreed to pay $12.24 million plus interest to settle allegations that they made illegal donations to county governments under a discontinued state matching program, and a whistleblower will receive $2.25 million for his or her share of the recovery.
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Capitol Report

Following is a listing of executive and legislative action from the week of Sept. 4. Both chambers of the General Assembly stood in recess at press time, subject to the call of their leadership.
10 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

State Rep. Proposes Liquor Code Amendments

A state representative issued a memo declaring his intention to propose amendments to the liquor code. Rep. Gene DiGirolamo, R-Bucks, said he would amend Act 39 to allow the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board to negotiate with suppliers on all items in deciding markups.
1 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Senator Proposes New Payment Options for Indigent Defendants

State Sen. Stewart Greenleaf, R-Montgomery, released a memo stating his plan to introduce amendments to the state constitution that would abolish the practice of incarcerating or revoking the driver's license of an indigent who can't afford to pay court fines, fees or restitution.
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

High Court Hears Case Over Blood Sample Lost in Storm

The Court of Appeals heard arguments Thursday in the case of a man convicted of burglary based largely on forensic blood evidence destroyed by floodwaters from Superstorm Sandy.
2 minute read

Daily Business Review

Dreamers Decision Creates Dilemma for Florida Republicans

Gov. Rick Scott rejected the Obama approach but doesn't favor "punishing children for the actions of their parents."
9 minute read

Daily Report Online

Take a Look at the 11th Circuit's New Nominee

Judge Elizabeth "Lisa" Branch was nominated by President Donald Trump to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit to fill the spot vacated by Judge Frank Hull, who is taking senior status.
5 minute read


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