Daily Business Review

Democratic Candidates Vow to Back Anti-Discrimination

Three Democratic candidates for governor pledged Saturday to support legislation that would prohibit discrimination in jobs and housing based on sexual orientation.
9 minute read

The Recorder

In re RW Meridian LLC

9th Cir. B.A.P.; 16-1227 The Bankruptcy Appellate Panel affirmed a judgment. The court held that the expiration of a debtor’s right to redeem tax-defaulted…
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

New York Expanding Pro Bono Clemency Program

New York is partnering with legal organizations to expand the state's pro bono clemency program, the governor announced Monday.
2 minute read

Daily Report Online

ABA Grapples With Political Voice in Trump Era

President Donald Trump's rhetoric and actions continue to test the American Bar Association as it pursues its core goals, which include upholding the rule of law, enhancing diversity and eliminating bias.
25 minute read

Texas Lawyer

'I Fully Expect to Be Sued': Buzbee Eyes Fallout Over Scrapped 'White Lives Matter' Rally

“If he thinks I'm scared. He should think again,” Texas U&M regent Tony Buzbee said after squaring off with the organizer of a planned white nationalist rally at the university.
3 minute read

Daily Business Review

Huge Confederate Flag Near Interstate Is One Man's Mission

Marion Lambert is unapologetic about the abundance of Confederate flags that surround him.
9 minute read

Daily Business Review

Florida Cities Face 'All or Nothing' Choices on Medical Marijuana

Florida cities and counties are in a dilemma about pot. State lawmakers approved regulations in June that left city and county officials with a Hobson's choice about the sale of medical marijuana in their communities.
6 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Rep.: Unauthorized Employee Microchipping Should Be Illegal

The announcement by a U.S. company and other global businesses that employees can voluntarily have a microchip inserted into their finger for quicker access to company property has led a state representative to issue a memorandum declaring her intention to make it illegal for a company to insert a microchip into someone without their authorization.
1 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Bill Would Add Natural Gas Responders to Death Benefits Act

Rep. Kevin Boyle, D-Philadelphia, stated he plans to reintroduce legislation that would amend the Emergency and Law Enforcement Personnel Death Benefits Act to include natural gas responders, providing for a one-time payment to the responder's surviving family member if they die while responding to a natural gas leak or threat.
1 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Capitol Report

Following is a listing of executive and legislative action for the week of Aug. 14. Both houses of the General Assembly stood in recess subject to the call of each chambers' leaders at press time, with committee hearings scheduled beginning Wednesday.
5 minute read

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