New Jersey Law Journal

Beware the Freedom of the Web

China, Russia and Iran have used all available technical means to block and punish the circulation of objectionable content, with considerable success. European governments with firsthand experience of fascism seem to be comfortable controlling online expression that they deem socially dangerous. For the United States, with its robust tradition of unfettered speech, it is a much tougher issue.
6 minute read

National Law Journal

AT&T's Top In-House Lobbyist, Entangled in Michael Cohen Payment, Retires

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said Friday that hiring Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was a “big mistake.” Bob Quinn, vice president for external and legislative affairs and a former Mayer Brown lawyer, retired amid the scrutiny of the company's $600,000 payment.
5 minute read

Daily Business Review

3 South Florida Attorneys on List to Lead iPhone MDL, But There's Competition

Attorneys at three South Florida firms are part of a proposed coalition to lead the plaintiffs side, but two other firms want to start with a small team.
5 minute read

Daily Report Online

Judge Shuts Down Accused Leaker's Defense Over Subpoenas Linked to 2016 Election Hacking Document

The team has petitioned Chief Judge Randal Hall of the Southern District of Georgia to reverse an April 28 decision blocking the subpoenas.
1 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

State 'Net Neutrality' Bills Underscore Need for Congress to Act

OP-ED: Congress needs to come together and craft a comprehensive solution that enshrines clear consumer protections and sparks the innovation and investment necessary for connecting all Americans to a free and open internet.
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

Attorney of the Year Finalist — Jaret Davis

Davis has been heavily involved in recruiting Amazon's second headquarters to South Florida and top-dollar tech deals.
1 minute read

The Recorder

In Apple MDL Leadership Fight, a Contrast in Styles

The pitches for lead plaintiffs counsel pit Steve Berman and a few lawyers at Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro against a 40-lawyer coalition led by Joseph Cotchett, of Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, and Laurence King of Kaplan Fox & Kilsheimer.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Copyright Liability for Foreign Internet Broadcasters Who Fail to Geoblock

Recently and to the likely dismay of many foreign broadcasters, in 'Spanski Enterprises v. Telewizja Polska' the D.C. Circuit took up an issue of first impression for the federal appellate courts: whether any extraterritorial limits of the copyright law would relieve the liability of foreign content disseminators that send their content into the United States.
9 minute read

The American Lawyer

Why Sprint-T-Mobile Merger Is a 'Deal M&A Lawyers Live For'

A big, complex, cross-border transaction is nectar for deal lawyers like the ones at Morrison & Foerster representing Sprint.
4 minute read

The Recorder

Why the Sprint-T-Mobile Merger Is a 'Deal M&A Lawyers Live For'

A big, complex, cross-border transaction is nectar for deal lawyers like the ones at Morrison & Foerster representing Sprint.
4 minute read

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