Daily Report Online

Challenging the Fundamentals of Administrative Review in the Patent System

Just because many do not like the cost and lack of certainty associated with patent litigation, that doesn't necessarily give Congress the ability to address the problem by removing the decision of patent validity from the federal courts.
6 minute read

Daily Report Online

Trending Trademark Topics for 2018

In 2017, several brand owners saw their trademark enforcement efforts go viral in a positive way, by delivering friendly, albeit kitschy, cease-and-desist letters.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Speak at New York Law School

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be interviewed by New York Law School professor Nadine Strossen as part of the Sidney Shainwald Public Interest Lecture Feb. 6.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

Back to Basic(s): Common Sense Trumps Econometrics—Part I

Marc I. Gross and Jeremy A. Lieberman focus on the lead-up to 'Petrobras' and "Barclays' and demonstrate that the linkage of event studies to class certification motions was, in fact, an after-thought to the court's early embrace of a more general “fraud on the market” presumption of reliance.
13 minute read

Daily Business Review

5 Florida Legal Issues to Keep an Eye On for the New Year

From the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington to a Tallahassee courthouse, Florida's high-profile legal battles in 2018 will focus on issues ranging from a water war to medical marijuana.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Second Circuit Sides With Albany Food Truck in Speech Restriction Suit

The Wandering Dago's state and federal free speech rights were violated when state officials blocked it from participating in a vendor program solely because it used ethnic slurs in its branding, the appellate panel ruled.
5 minute read

National Law Journal

Trump Wanted Loyalty in Supreme Court Pick, New Book 'Fire and Fury' Says

Michael Wolff, writing in his new book "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," reportedly wrote: "In the Trump view, it was rather a waste to give the job to someone he didn't even know.”
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Net Neutrality and Open Internet: How We Got Here and Where We Are Headed

Barry Skidelsky writes: The legal issue of “net neutrality” or an open Internet has been a point of contention between Internet access providers and network users since the mid-1990s. Most recently, this issue has become a serious matter of larger public interest that warrants some brief legal history to better understand the issue, where we are right now, and where we are all headed in this country.
8 minute read

National Law Journal

DOJ's Doug Letter, Veteran Appellate Lawyer, Leaves for Georgetown Law Post

"Doug Letter personifies what is best about the Justice Department and at the same time is typical of DOJ lawyers: dedicated, smart and sacrificed to serve his country," former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. said.
5 minute read

National Law Journal

The Great Reshaping: How Trump Is Changing the Game on Judicial Nominations

With 148 judicial vacancies as of Jan. 2 and an increasingly aging federal bench, President Donald Trump could remake the federal judiciary on a scale that hasn't been possible in decades.
12 minute read

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