National Law Journal

Another Major Shooting Unfolds as Justices Weigh Latest Firearms Case

The U.S. Supreme Court's conference on Thursday includes a challenge to concealed-carry restrictions in California. The Orlando nightclub shooting in June 2016 occurred days before the court declined to hear a challenge to post-Sandy Hook gun laws.
11 minute read

National Law Journal

3 Things to Know After US Supreme Court's Biosimilar Drug Decision

Drugmakers who introduce a "highly similar" version of an existing biological drug saw an across-the-board win Monday.
4 minute read

National Law Journal

Gorsuch's Maiden Opinion: Terse, Plain-Spoken and Text-Based

Gorsuch's decision in followed the high court's tradition of giving the newbie a positive experience by assigning him or her to write in a relatively straightforward case likely to yield a unanimous decision.
3 minute read

National Law Journal

Trump's Tweets Are 'Authority' in Advocates' New Travel Ban Filings

In what may be a first at the U.S. Supreme Court, President Donald Trump's Twitter account was identified Monday as an "authority" along with the cases, law review articles and news citations that lawyers typically use to bolster their arguments.
9 minute read

National Law Journal

Supreme Court: States Will Decide if 'Patent Dance' is Mandatory

The Supreme Court ruled that the patent dance might be mandatory, but that it's up to state law to determine whether and how to enforce it.
19 minute read

Supreme Court Brief

How Young Jenner Partner 'Boiled the Oceans' to Find, Win 5 SCOTUS Cases

U.S. Supreme Court wins are getting fairly routine for this self-described "law nerd." Five victories make Jenner & Block partner Adam Unikowsky a rising star at the firm, which lost its previous Supreme Court "dynamic duo" of Paul Smith and Donald Verrilli in recent years.
7 minute read

National Law Journal

Trump's Travel Ban Suffers New Loss in Ninth Circuit

A federal appellate court on Monday handed President Donald Trump his second major defeat in a month after finding his executive order suspending immigration from six Muslim nations and the U.S. refugee program violated federal law.
5 minute read

National Law Journal

Supreme Court Turns Guns on Patent Office's Post-Grant Proceedings

The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether inter partes review proceedings are constitutional.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Can NJ's Arbitration Rule Survive Recent SCOTUS Decision?

The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in "Kindred Nursing," calls into question the continuing viability of the N.J. Supreme Court's decision in "Atalese," under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA).
9 minute read

Daily Report Online

On 50th Anniversary of , 1 in 6 New Couples Are Racially Mixed

When the Supreme Court decided the landmark case, only 3 percent of newlyweds were intermarried.
6 minute read

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