National Law Journal

Gorsuch Complained About Leaks by SCOTUS Clerks

The U.S. Supreme Court nominee reacted strongly after former law clerks gave Vanity Fair magazine behind-the-scenes information about the court's decision in Bush v. Gore.
31 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

'Petersburg Regency': A Case for Structured Dismissals That Is Stronger Than 'Jevic'

A broad reversal by the Supreme Court of the Jevic decision might mean the end of efficient structured dismissals that do not involve class skipping, such as the one accomplished by the settling creditors in Petersburg Regency.
11 minute read

The Recorder

Gorsuch Supports Two-Year Law School, but Scalia Dissents

Judge Neil Gorsuch and President Barack Obama agree at least on one thing: a third-year of law school should be optional. Gorsuch questioned the need for three years of law school in a September 2015 paper he presented at the United Kingdom-United States Legal Exchange in London. One of Gorsuch's legal heroes—the late Justice Antonin Scalia—vigorously objected to the notion of two-year law school.
13 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

The Antitrust Points of View of Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch

Last March, we wrote a series of articles discussing Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's antitrust legacy on the Supreme Court. We noted Scalia's admitted discomfort with the Sherman Act, specifically with holding corporate defendants, even monopolists, ­liable absent strong evidence of anti-competitive conduct. His likely successor appears to possibly hold similar views of the ­antitrust laws, ostensibly applying the Sherman Act to avoid replacing procompetitive, free-market behavior with judicially imposed, anti-competitive fiat, based on the record presented.
17 minute read

New York Law Journal

St. Francis Hosts Conversation With Sotomayor

By | February 03, 2017
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor addressed an audience at St. Francis College in Brooklyn on Thursday. She answered only pre-approved questions from the audience—there were no questions about legal controversies raised in the first days of the Trump administration—and spoke of nominee Neil Gorsuch in passing.
5 minute read

Daily Business Review

Gorsuch is No Conservative Lapdog on Employment Front

Viewed through the lens of his labor and employment cases, Supreme Court nominee Niel Gorsuch shows moderation and logic.
11 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

SCOTUS Nomination Came Just in Time for Hardiman's Court

President Donald Trump, a practiced showman, built up suspense in the lead-up to the televised announcement of his nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday.
10 minute read

National Law Journal

Gorsuch's Criticism of Agency Deference Has Support Among Justices

Judge Neil Gorsuch would find sympathetic colleagues on the U.S. Supreme Court in his dislike—shared by the business community—of the deference that courts give to how agencies interpret their statutes. Even so, the Republican-led Congress is moving to put the brakes on that decades-old legal doctrine.
12 minute read

Daily Business Review

Gorsuch is No Conservative Lapdog on Employment Front

Viewed through the lens of his labor and employment cases, Supreme Court nominee Niel Gorsuch shows moderation and logic.
11 minute read

Litigation Daily

Senate Dems Should Pick Their Battles—And Blocking Gorsuch Isn't One of Them

My mom used to tell me, “Two wrongs don't make a right.” It's a saying that some Democrats are apparently unfamiliar with. Because the fight over Neil Gorsuch is one that Dems aren't going to win--and Gorsuch is about as good as it's going to get.
9 minute read

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