Daily Business Review

Need for Speed: How Attorneys Handle Fast-Paced Demands

Clients know you're a text away. How — and when — do you respond?
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

The Philadelphia Association of Paralegals Calendar of Events

Check out a list of upcoming events for area paralegals.
2 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

'An Ongoing Dialogue About How You Get It Done': Work-Life Choices Still in Forefront

"This is a conversation we have at the bar [association] level," said Kelly S. Crawford of Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti. "It's an ongoing dialogue about how you get it done."
7 minute read

How I Made Partner: Ropes & Gray's Melissa Bender

She says her unusual background, including in-house, off-site and part-time work, has inspired other women.
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

Legal Career and Family: Women Work Hard to Find the Right Balance

Every woman deals with family-planning decisions, but many female attorneys who opt for a family have the added bonus of starting when their careers…
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Joe Milowic's Story of Depression Should Spur Renewed Focus on Lawyer Well-being

This one graphic story ought to jump-start a renewed and broad education program, with a higher decibel of repeated notifications pointing to awareness and availability of help and resources to back it up.
3 minute read

Litigation Daily

Daily Dicta: From Heather Tewksbury to Heather Nyong'o: When a First Chair Litigator Changes Her Name

Every professional woman considers the career ramifications of changing her name after marriage, but it's a particular dilemma for lawyers. Especially if over 17 years you've built a reputation as a first-chair litigator--and your new husband's name isn't the easiest to pronounce.
5 minute read

The Recorder

From Heather Tewksbury to Heather Nyong'o: When a First Chair Litigator Changes Her Name

Every professional woman considers the career ramifications of changing her name after marriage, but it's a particular dilemma for lawyers. Especially if over 17 years you've built a reputation as a first-chair litigator--and your new husband's name isn't the easiest to pronounce.
5 minute read

How This Quinn Emanuel Partner Hit Depression's Rock Bottom and Helped Others

"I know the stress that comes with building up a reputation among colleagues and clients and trying to maintain that reputation as someone who always comes through, someone who is always on 24/7, willing to pull all-nighters and run through walls," said Joseph Milowic III.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

How Quinn Emanuel Partner Joe Milowic Plunged to the Depths of Depression but Inspired Other Lawyers to Believe in Themselves

"I know the stress that comes with building up a reputation among colleagues and clients and trying to maintain that reputation as someone who always comes through, someone who is always on 24/7, willing to pull all-nighters and run through walls."
6 minute read


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