The Legal Intelligencer

The 2018 Women in Law Roundtable Discussion

The editorial staff of The Legal has always been aware that the hiring and retention of female attorneys is an ongoing issue in the legal community. In an effort to discuss some of the specific problems facing female attorneys and present potential solutions to those problems, we invited 10 practitioners to talk about how to bolster the role of women in the law.
52 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Women in the Law: Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders

As a litigator who participates in the hiring process, spends time mentoring new hires, and has built a successful career in a male-dominated industry, I've found that there are five key factors that help new hires, especially women, succeed at a firm.
6 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Ethics Forum: Questions and Answers on Professional Responsibility

I am a young lawyer and have trouble meeting my hourly requirements for billing purposes. It seems almost impossible to do so. What do I do?
8 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Why Defining Success Is So Difficult for Women?

For women lawyers this inability to recognize that you are successful both in your own estimation and within the workplace is especially magnified and can lead to dissatisfaction, and in some instances can be the reason behind departure from the profession.
6 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

What Is More Important for Pitching Business—Preparation or Relationships?

Practicing law starts with getting and maintaining clients. Pitching business is an often underappreciated aspect of being successful as a lawyer. Thorough preparation is just as important for business development purposes as the research and planning needed for a trial. On the other hand, a lot of business is generated through relationships.
7 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

BAR REPORT - For one family, an interest in art and law spans generations

Mother and son honored at state bar foundation art show
2 minute read

One Big Law Attorney's Journey with Depression, One Firm's Response to the Profession's Problem

A Baker Hostetler lawyer discusses her depression, and Latham & Watkins' COO talks about what her firm is doing to dispel the stigma of mental health challenges.
2 minute read

Daily Report Online

Atlanta Lawyer Tells of Her Journey with Depression; One Firm's Response to the Profession's Problem

A Baker Hostetler lawyer in Atlanta discusses her depression, and Latham & Watkins' COO talks about what her firm is doing to dispel the stigma of mental health challenges.
2 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Improving the Discourse Between Women Associates and Their Firms

Although the women associate ranks in many midsize and large firms throughout the country continue to increase, only 21 percent of women attorneys working in those firms eventually make it to equity partner.
8 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Savor the Season

OP-ED: The Young Lawyers remind us to live mindfully and appreciate autumn.
4 minute read


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