The Recorder

Ninth Circuit Ruling on Salary History Fuels Renewed Focus on Gender Pay Gap

“Plaintiffs lawyers are taking notice,” a Seyfarth Shaw partner says. “Given the prominence of the #MeToo movement, this will certainly continue and increase risk for employers.”
6 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Connecticut High Court: Landlord's Insurer Can Sue Tenants for Damage

The Connecticut Supreme Court has ruled that a landlord's insurer could use the doctrine of equitable subrogation to sue tenants for damage they…
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Ineffective Assistance Claim Rejected, DACA Rescission Barred, Virtual Currency Injunction Granted

Eastern District Roundup columnists Harvey M. Stone and Richard H. Dolan discuss decisions declining to grant collateral relief to a petitioner alleging that he would not have pled guilty had counsel accurately explained the risk of deportation; granting a preliminary injunction barring the Secretary of Homeland Security and others from rescinding the DACA Program; and granting the CFTC's application for an injunction against deceptive practices regarding virtual currency “spot” trading.
10 minute read

New York Law Journal

Third-Party Funding of Lawsuits Permeates the Legal Landscape

The answers are not entirely clear, but one thing is certain: Third-party funding and financing is a developing, unsettled area of the law. As such, as in any new endeavor, attorneys and their clients should proceed with caution.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

Facebook Collected Users' Text and Calls Logs. Will the FTC Act?

On Android mobile operating systems, Facebook could bundle its permissions requests, leaving users in the dark about exactly what data the mobile app was collecting.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Discovering the Digital Wallet

Conventional currency, credit cards and bank accounts no longer provide a complete financial picture.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

ABA President Challenges Legal Technologists: 'Be Bold, Be Adventurous, Be Courageous'

At the Stanford CodeX FutureLaw conference, Hilarie Bass noted that the ABA has several initiatives underway to spur technology innovation.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Retaining Control over use of Technology-Assisted Review

A look at "Winfield v. City of New York" in view of three significant TAR cases authored by S.D.N.Y. Magistrate Judge Peck, and other illustrative cases, as well as suggestions for best practices.
9 minute read

Legal Week

Partners on alert over Russia work as 'new Cold War' tensions turn up scrutiny on client connections

Lawyers in the Russian market on the 'wake-up call' for firms to check their client list
7 minute read

International Edition

Partners on alert over Russia work as 'new Cold War' tensions turn up scrutiny on client connections

Lawyers in the Russian market on the 'wake-up call' for firms to check their client list
7 minute read

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