National Law Journal

For Chamber, Replicating Wisconsin Win on Litigation Funding Transparency Won't Be Easy

Provisions requiring the disclosure of third-party litigation funding contracts in Wisconsin courts came together amid a unique set of circumstances on the ground.
5 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Ethical Considerations in E-Discovery: Avoiding Malpractice Claims

Electronic discovery, even more so than traditional paper-based discovery, can present treacherous ethical and malpractice pitfalls for all attorneys, even those who practice at the requisite level of technological competence.
9 minute read

Pro Mid Market

Public-Private Partnerships as a Competitive Tool for HBCUs

As all colleges and universities seek competitive solutions to attract and retain quality students, student housing has become an even more significant…
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Stockholder Challenges to Executive Compensation

Corporate Litigation columnists Joseph M. McLaughlin and Shannon K. McGovern write: The Delaware Supreme Court recently clarified the limits of the stockholder ratification defense in litigation challenging director compensation awarded under the parameters of a stockholder-approved compensation plan.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

'Possession, Custody or Control'—Got It?

What does it actually mean these days to have “possession, custody or control” of a document or a few bytes of ESI? It is a critical question because discovery failures can lead to adverse inferences, sanctions and infamy!
10 minute read

New York Law Journal

DOJ Brings First 'No-Poach' Prosecution Since Issuing Antitrust Guidance for HR Professionals

A careful review of this settlement and the Antitrust Division's accompanying press release indicates that there is a significant likelihood that no-poaching and wage-fixing agreements that were entered into or that continued after the Antitrust Division issued its guidelines for human resource professionals will be prosecuted as criminal violations.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

What to Expect from Your Mass Notification System

Technology can help keep people safe, informed and connected during an emergency. Here are 10 characteristics of modern notification systems.
6 minute read

Skilled in the Art: ED-Tex ♥ Fee Awards | Brand Battle Boils Over | Who Reps Ring?

Celebrity Chef Chloe Coscarelli is embroiled in an IP fight over her "by Chloe" chain with ESquared Hospitality, which expelled her from the partnership.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

An Interview With Judge Dan Polster

Impressed by Judge Dan Polster's commitment to the mediation process and what are clearly exceptional skills, Mediation columnists Abby Tolchinsky and Ellie Wertheim had the opportunity to speak with the judge about his theory and process. While all mediators help parties come to autonomous resolutions, his unique methodology entails employing the gravitas of the robe.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Defining Characteristics of Consummate Dealmakers

Consummate dealmakers enjoy elevated reputations in the market place. Clients seek them out. What distinguishes these star performers from the pack? Though each differs in some ways, the commonalities among the top dealmakers are instructive.
7 minute read

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