New York Law Journal

Intellectual Property

In this Special Report: "'Halo' and Willful Infringement Weaponizing Patent Owners," "'Substantial Similarity': A New Approach to Dismissing Implied-in-Fact Contract Claims?," "Arbitrate Without Losing the Inter Partes Review Option," "Applicability of §101 Challenges in ANDA Pharmaceutical Litigation" and "Swarms of Drones: Collecting Data and Delivering Potential Liabilities."
2 minute read

Pro Mid Market

Midsize Firms Struggle to Recruit Diverse Attorneys, But Have Much to Offer Them: Part 1

Midsize law firms may prove an attractive landing spot for diverse attorneys, if those firms could get them in the door.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Time to End Qualified Immunity?

Civil Rights Litigation columnist Ilann M. Maazel writes: Qualified immunity is often asserted and litigated in §1983 cases. But some conservative scholars now argue that the doctrine is lawless. This column discusses why.
11 minute read

New York Law Journal

'Forman v. Henkin': Discovery in the Age of Social Media

In their Trial Practice column, Robert S. Kelner and Gail S. Kelner discuss 'Forman v. Henkin' where the Court of Appeals addressed discovery of social media materials, rejecting the existing case law and instead finding that it should be governed by the same principles governing traditional discovery.
13 minute read

New York Law Journal

Trump, Trade and National Security

The rise of tariff policy at the center of President Trump's trade policy and his reliance on national security are truly unique in American foreign policy. However, they jeopardize both American foreign policy and U.S. national security.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Changes to State CLE Requirements Now Include Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias

Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, New York's mandatory CLE requirements includes a Diversity and Inclusion component. Attorneys due to re-register on or after July 1, 2018 must meet the new CLE requirements.
8 minute read

International Edition

London vice-chair among frontrunners as search begins for Latham's next leader

As Latham grapples with the shock departure of managing partner Bill Voge, who could be next to take the firm's helm?
10 minute read

International Edition

London vice-chair among frontrunners as search begins for Latham's next leader

As Latham grapples with the shock departure of managing partner Bill Voge, who could be next to take the firm's helm?
10 minute read

The American Lawyer

Search Begins for Latham's Next Leader

As Latham & Watkins grapples with the sudden departure of its chairman amid misconduct allegations, who could be next to take the helm?
5 minute read

The Recorder

Ninth Circuit Finds Credit Card Surcharge Ban Violates First Amendment

Consumers, regulators and credit card companies will be increasingly mindful of whether and how retailers apply surcharges. Retailers should likewise be mindful.
8 minute read

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