Connecticut Law Tribune

Conducting a Workplace Investigation After a Sexual Harassment Claim

This article explores the investigation process and highlights some areas of legal concern for any investigator.
11 minute read

Pro Mid Market

Communication Can Make All the Difference for Millennials

We all have a tendency to fall into our preferred methods and styles of communicating, but doing so may mean we end up missing excellent opportunities to reach across the generational divides.
5 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

New Bill Would Prohibit Arbitration Agreements Covering Sexual Harassment, Gender Discrimination

In reaction to the “Silence Breakers,” a bipartisan group of lawmakers recently introduced legislation that would prohibit employers from including sexual harassment or gender discrimination claims in their arbitration agreements.
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

Corporations and the Culture Wars

In their Corporate Governance column, David A. Katz and Laura A. McIntosh write: While corporate policymaking and public statements on social and political issues are essentially management decisions, the board should be kept informed and has the right to weigh in, if it so chooses.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Cuomo Budget Proposal Threatens Brownfield Cleanup Program

In her State Environmental Regulation column, Charlotte A. Biblow discusses a proposal by Governor Cuomo which was "tucked into the fiscal year 2019 budget" that, if adopted by the Legislature, could have a "devastating effect on the state's brownfield cleanup program."
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Did It Just Get Harder to Enforce Foreign Judgments in New York?

International Litigation columnists Lawrence W. Newman and David Zaslowsky write: The net effect of the 'AlbaniaBEG Ambient' decision will likely be to limit the future impact of 'Abu Dhabi'. In doing so, it brings the First Department in line with the law in the Second Circuit and most of the rest of the country.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

When to Hire an Independent Investigator or Defense Counsel in Internal Investigations

When a business is faced with claims of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, or, for that matter, most other civil claims not involving regulatory compliance and self-reporting situations, there are times when an independent investigation is the best path forward. But there also are times when it is absolutely not.
7 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

For Midsize Law Firm Leaders, 'It Takes Dollars' to Tackle Tech Initiatives

Vendors are one thing. But many more costs are internalized, and law firm technology spending is a growing part of the budgetary discussion.
7 minute read

Legaltech News

Developing for Integration: Inside Tell Tali's Move to Google Home, Slack

Integrating with an internet-of-things smart speaker and an instant message service was no easy feat for the voice-enabled app, requiring flexible development and rethinking the product design.
5 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal


A special section covering current topics of interest, including banning questions regarding an applicant's salary history, combating and investigating workplace harassment, and what the new governor will bring to the employment arena.
1 minute read

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