May 01, 2002 |
Courts Provide Users With Practical ToolsA. Gail Prudenti, presiding justice of the Appellate Division, 2nd Department, highlights the resources already available to facilitate access to justice, and provides a forward look at improvements in the future.
By A. Gail Prudenti
6 minute read
May 01, 2013 | New York Law Journal
The Pursuit of Justice: A Constant StrivingThis year, as we commemorate two historic milestones, the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Dr. King's memorable words resonate more powerfully than ever and reinvigorate the judiciary's tireless pursuit of justice.
By A. Gail Prudenti
7 minute read
July 19, 2013 | New York Law Journal
Assignment of Cases Involving Contributions to Judicial CampaignsA. Gail Prudenti, the chief administrative judge of the State of New York, writes: Upon the second anniversary of its enactment, we are pleased to report that Part 151 has been implemented successfully. The simple, bright-line formula has led to efficiency in implementation; the rule's waiver provision has provided a reasonable means of preventing "judge shopping," and above all, it has marked a significant step forward in ensuring both the perception and the reality of a fair and impartial Judiciary in New York.
By A. Gail Prudenti
16 minute read
April 10, 2012 | New York Law Journal
Fulfilling the Court's Core Mission in the New RealityBy A. Gail Prudenti
10 minute read
January 22, 2013 | New York Law Journal
Rising Above the Storm, ReorganizingA. Gail Prudenti, Chief Administrative Judge of the New York State Unified Court System, discusses some of the past year's accomplishments: locally-tailored operational reforms to improve efficiency in case management, appellate judges' efforts to assist in clearing scores of older cases from the trial court, the pro bono measure, and the efforts of the entire court family to pull together after Sandy.
By A. Gail Prudenti
5 minute read
January 26, 2009 | New York Law Journal
Adoption of New Conduct Rules Brings Many BenefitsIt should be of great interest to all practicing attorneys that the rules governing attorney conduct in New York are being completely revamped.
By A. Gail Prudenti
6 minute read
September 30, 2010 | New York Law Journal
Lockerbie and the Limits of CompassionA. Gail Prudenti, the presiding justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department, writes that the release from prison in Scotland and return to Libya of the "Lockerbie bomber," Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, has prompted much discussion on the propriety of the release of incarcerated individuals on compassionate grounds.
By A. Gail Prudenti
14 minute read
December 29, 2010 | New York Law Journal
Appellate Division, Second Department Roundup 2009In conjunction with the launch of their new web page, A Gail Prudenti, Presiding Justice and Thomas A. Dickerson, Associate Justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department, reflect on their decisions of interest from 2009.
By A. Gail Prudenti and Thomas A. Dickerson
12 minute read
November 14, 2008 | New York Law Journal
Appellate Division Second Department Roundup 2007A. Gail Prudenti, presiding justice of the Appellate Division, Second Department of the New York State Supreme Court, and Thomas A. Dickerson, an associate justice, review some of decisions from the busiest appellate court in New York state on topics such as eminent domain, real property, class actions, fetus rights, high-low settlements and more.
By A. Gail Prudenti and Thomas A. Dickerson
17 minute read
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