Alanna G Clair

Alanna G Clair

March 24, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

The Evolving Duty of Competence in the Digital Age

For many lawyers, working remotely during the pandemic tested their technological aptitude. Lawyers can face risks if they do not update their practices to stay informed about developments in technology.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read

December 28, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Risks Involved in Trying to Predict Case Outcomes

Below are some of the issues relevant to a determination of whether an attorney's inaccurate valuation could create potential malpractice liability.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read

December 03, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Knowing and Avoiding Risks of Conflict in Social Media

Recent developments suggest that attorneys may not be able to simply take their attorney hats off and ignore their ethical obligations when using social media.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read

November 06, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Understanding Statutes of Repose and Knowing When They Apply

A statute of repose can have a significant impact on litigation.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read

October 25, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Avoid Bad Habits and Prevent Risk as Billable Year Comes to a Close

Some of the most glaring risk prevention tools are relatively simple to employ, and, in their absence, can create headaches for lawyers.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read

October 12, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Screening Clients Will Help You Avoid Troubles Down the Road

Here are some ways lawyers can decide whether to listen to that little voice saying that a new representation may not be worth the risk.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

7 minute read

September 28, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Dealing With the Duty to Supervise in a Law-Practice Setting

The dynamic between partners, who act in a supervisory capacity, and associates, who generally act at the behest of the partners, can lead to tricky ethical questions.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read

September 14, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Avoiding the Surprise Attack: Know the Risks of Nontraditional Conflicts

Conflicts can arise in unexpected places. However, by following standard procedures in every new matter and thinking critically about providing advice in an informal manner, attorneys can stave off some of the problems that conflicts can create.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read

August 30, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Nailing It: The Importance of Being Accurate in Court

Even attorneys who do not intend to misspeak may at some point in their career make a factual misrepresentation to a court, whether because of a misunderstanding of the facts, an improper assumption as to the facts, or even as a result of zealous advocacy.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read

August 20, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Avoiding Trouble: Tips on Protecting Client Confidence in the Workplace

With more attorneys working remotely and on electronic devices and in the modern world of Facebook, Twitter and the internet, it has become more challenging for attorneys to protect client confidences and secrets.

By Shari L. Klevens and Alanna G. Clair

6 minute read