Alanna G Clair

Alanna G Clair

July 17, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Protecting Privileged Premerger Communications With Corporate Clients

Some successor companies may insist on having access to communications concerning the merger after the fact as a prerequisite to the deal.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

1 minute read

July 05, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Engaging in an Ethical Multijurisdictional Law Practice

In Connecticut, the unauthorized practice of law is prohibited by Connecticut Rule of Professional Conduct 5.5.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

1 minute read

June 20, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Under Pressure: Considerations for Attorneys Called to Testify

Although litigators are generally familiar with courtroom procedure and the duty of candor, providing sworn testimony comes with additional risks and exposure that are typically not present when an attorney is acting only as an advocate.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

1 minute read

June 08, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Beyond Civility: Avoiding Misconduct in Deposition

By keeping mindful of a party's—and an attorney's—obligations not to engage in unethical conduct during depositions, attorneys can help ensure that the case will be considered on its merits, rather than impacted by sanctions or other issues.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

1 minute read

May 25, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Privilege Maintenance: Protecting Law Firm In-House Counsel Communications

Although the majority of courts who have reviewed this issue have recognized and enforced a privilege shared between law firm attorneys and their in-house counsel, there is some uncertainty nationwide.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

6 minute read

May 08, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Rule 2.3: Tips on Sharing Client Evaluations With Third Parties

Providing a third party with an evaluation of a client raises a number of unique ethical and practical considerations; however, reviewing the rules can help attorneys best address these issues with their clients and provide ethical and effective representation.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

6 minute read

April 26, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Withdrawing Representation

Terminating an attorney-client relationship is not an easy decision nor one that can be taken lightly.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

6 minute read

April 10, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Reducing Collections Lawsuits Through Effective Billing Practices

Many attorneys will put off the decision of whether to pursue a client for unpaid legal fees until the end of the calendar year.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

6 minute read

March 30, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Good Practices for Sharing Space With Other Attorneys

While co-working spaces may cure the discomfort of isolation, allow attorneys to save on overhead costs, and provide an opportunity for peer feedback, they are not without risk.

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

6 minute read

March 01, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Who Owns What? Responding to Requests for Client Files

A question many practitioners may face is who “owns” the documents and other material made and stored during the course of a representation: the client, the attorney or the attorney's law firm?

By Alanna G. Clair and Shari L. Klevens

5 minute read