Ari Kaplan

Ari Kaplan

July 23, 2012 | Daily Report Online

Seven ways to use LinkedIn more effectively

Technology has made it much easier to add context to what was otherwise a cold call or e-mail just a few years ago.

By Ari Kaplan

6 minute read

June 02, 2008 | National Law Journal

Walk Over and Say Hello to Somebody

With all the new ways to stay connected through technology, "meeting people in person is becoming a lost art." So says Thomas Bundy III, chairman of the Young Lawyers Section of the Bar Association of the District of Columbia. So he is trying to gather as many people as possible and give them the chance to meet one another face to face: "This is an opportunity to get to know someone outside of a computer."

By Ari Kaplan

8 minute read

May 09, 2006 |

Ending the Paper Chase

More and more, lawyers are relying on the shared online work spaces known as extranets to coordinate the remote access of documents and communications among lawyers, clients and outside counsel. "It's a superior way to manage the process and is very inexpensive," said one enthusiast.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

September 28, 2011 | National Law Journal

Are you a hustler?

There is so much talk about social this and techno that. Do X to get a job and Y to keep your job. But the singular characteristic that courses through the vein of achievement is hustling.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

January 03, 2012 |

Revisiting Professional Development for a Changing Profession

Topic No. 1 for training and career advisers attending a recent conference in Washington, D.C., was how current and future generations of lawyers can best respond to the dramatic changes that have been hitting the legal industry. Their message: Learn fast, work smart, think bottom line.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

July 17, 2009 | National Law Journal

Considering life beyond law? Tap your creativity for a second career.

In the current transformation of the legal industry, lawyers, law students and most legal professionals are reevaluating their roles. The economy is prompting them to consider their alternatives and is forcing them to determine where they are finding the greatest level of satisfaction. Some have made that journey and their experience offers a number of lessons to help guide those who remain.

By Ari Kaplan

7 minute read

September 24, 2012 | Legaltech News

Procurement Process Embraces Legal Services

By building trust within an organization, leveraging sophisticated analytics, and fostering competition, procurement professionals are transforming how corporate legal departments purchase products and services, writes consultant Ari Kaplan.

By Ari Kaplan

10 minute read

January 14, 2008 | National Law Journal

Inspired millennials

There is regular discussion in the legal community about the current generation of associates and aspiring lawyers. They are (or will be) objectively better paid than their predecessors. And, at least recently, associates have been employed in a frothy legal market offering multiple career options. Those advantages notwithstanding, the reportedly low level of satisfaction among these "millennials" remains a mystery to many.

By Ari Kaplan / Special to The National Law Journal

5 minute read

August 02, 2011 | National Law Journal

The easiest way to connect with others — no social media required

The key to creating opportunity in your career or business development is to consider how you can do so for others. Start at the beginning — with an introduction.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read

June 13, 2006 |

Contact Management: MySpace for Law Firms?

Foley & Lardner has a new approach to managing relationship capital: Visible Path, a corporate MySpace-type social-networking program. Integrating with Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes and other programs, it lets personnel search for a "path" to potentially valuable contacts.

By Ari Kaplan

5 minute read