November 30, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer
InsuranceThere are signs of a growing rift in trial court opinions on the issue of how consumers should bring third party claims against defendant-drivers when they also have a claim for uninsured or underinsured motorist benefits against their insurance carriers. p
By Daniel E. Cummins
18 minute read
August 31, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
Duty DefinedWho could forget their reliance in law school on the clear writings of Dean William Prosser in trying to get a handle on the various concepts of negligence being beaten into their heads through the Socratic method in Torts class by a condescending know-it-all law professor who hadn't handled a negligence case in 15 years?
By Daniel E. Cummins
7 minute read
February 12, 2007 | Corporate Counsel
Lincoln Logs of WisdomAs the nation celebrates Abraham Lincoln's birthday, it's a time to honor the memory and accomplishments of one of our greatest presidents. While the myth and legend of this great president has expanded through history, it cannot be forgotten that he began his career as a country lawyer in Illinois. Attorney Daniel Cummins compiles some of Lincoln's greatest quotes that can serve as excellent advice even for today's lawyers practicing nearly 150 years after his untimely death.
By Daniel E. Cummins
9 minute read
October 01, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer
Time to Unbuckle the Seat Belt Defense?In Gaudio v. Ford Motor Co., PICS No. 07-1066 (C.P. Pike June 14, 2007), Thomson, J. Judge Harold A. Thomson, Jr. of the Pike County Court of Common Pleas addressed the ambit of the so-called "seat belt defense" as applied to products liability actions.
By Daniel E. Cummins
7 minute read
February 12, 2007 |
Lincoln Logs of WisdomAs the nation celebrates Abraham Lincoln's birthday, it's a time to honor the memory and accomplishments of one of our greatest presidents. While the myth and legend of this great president has expanded through history, it cannot be forgotten that he began his career as a country lawyer in Illinois. Attorney Daniel Cummins compiles some of Lincoln's greatest quotes that can serve as excellent advice even for today's lawyers practicing nearly 150 years after his untimely death.
By Daniel E. Cummins
9 minute read
January 29, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer
Lincoln Logs of WisdomOn President's Day – Feb. 19 this year – we will honor the memory and accomplishments of one of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln. While the myth and legend of this great president has expanded through history, it cannot be forgotten th
By Daniel E. Cummins
9 minute read
March 23, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
Tracking 'Hurricane Koken'Post-Koken motor vehicle lawsuits, which combine third party claims against the tortfeasor with underinsured motorist claims against a plaintiff's own carrier, all under one caption, continue to evolve with each new trial court decision.
By Daniel E. Cummins
6 minute read
May 31, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer
To Friend or Not to Friend?An emerging issue in Pennsylvania civil litigation personal injury matters is the extent to which one party may gain access to information on an opposing party's social networking site such as Facebook or MySpace.
By Daniel E. Cummins
10 minute read
August 27, 2008 | Legaltech News
The Future Is Now for Trial TechnologyMany jurors expect a case to be presented in the visually stimulating, computer-generated manner they receive information daily. Accordingly, in civil litigation, computer-powered presentations are on the rise at mediations, binding arbitrations, and federal and state court trials.
By Daniel E. Cummins
12 minute read
November 24, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer
Change in the WindAs another year of Pennsylvania jurisprudence goes into the books, a review of the important cases handed down over the past year, as well as the ongoing trends in the law expected to continue into 2009, is in order.
By Daniel E. Cummins
13 minute read
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