Daniel E. Cummins

Daniel E. Cummins

January 04, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

In The Driver's Seat

If 2009 is any indicator, it will remain a challenging task to stay on top of automobile litigation law and, at times, difficult to predict how the courts will rule on the myriad of issues continually arising in the novel area of post-Koken cases.

By Daniel E. Cummins

15 minute read

March 31, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Presidential Candidates and Tort Reform

With the Pennsylvania primary in the race for President set to take place on April 22, the time has come to review the tort reform positions advocated by the various remaining major presidential candidates.

By Daniel E. Cummins

10 minute read

June 29, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

A Growing Need for Guidance

The gale-force winds of change brought on by "Hurricane Koken" continue to wreak havoc in the common pleas courts across the state as trial court judges struggle, without any appellate guidance, to determine whether a variety of post- Koken automobile accident litigation claims should proceed in a consolidated fashion under one caption.

By Daniel E. Cummins

8 minute read

June 09, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer

'The Devil Made Me Do It'

The Seven Deadly Sins – Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth – all have the ability to wreak havoc on all parts of our lives, including our work lives in the practice of law. Recognizing the approaching signs of these potential

By Daniel E. Cummins

8 minute read

June 30, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer

A Mid-Year Tuneup

There is no better time of year than the month of June, when thoughts are beginning to turn to the salty air and sandy beaches at the shore or the cool breezes and lapping lakefronts in the mountains of Pennsylvania, to take a moment to rededicate oneself

By Daniel E. Cummins

12 minute read

April 27, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

Danke Schoen, Ferris Bueller

The recent telecast of the Academy Awards Ceremony, with its tribute to the late movie director John Hughes, brought back to mind many of the teen epic movies of the 1980s along with their famous characters.

By Daniel E. Cummins

7 minute read

November 10, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer

Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself

The trial courts and members of the bar who handle automobile accident matters are being whipped into a fearful frenzy about the uncertainties of handling automobile accident cases in the post-Koken era by commentato

By Daniel E. Cummins

13 minute read

May 18, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

Clarifying Inter-Policy Stacking in UIM Cases

Venango County Common Pleas Court Judge Robert L. Boyer recently issued an opinion and order that clarifies issues involving inter-policy stacking in UIM cases and explains how two state Supreme Court decisions work together.

By Daniel E. Cummins

7 minute read

January 21, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer

A Still-Rising Trend

Continuously expanding backlogs in the calendars of overburdened trial courts coupled with the uncertainty as to what a jury will do in with particular case have fostered an increasing trend in civil litigation matters of resolving cases by way of a media

By Daniel E. Cummins

12 minute read

May 25, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

It's that time of year again -- Little League baseball is starting up for boys and girls.

By Daniel E. Cummins

8 minute read