July 29, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Remembering Jerome B. Simandle and William H. WallsThe past weeks have brought the loss of two giants of our federal bench.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
2 minute read
July 29, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
America's Racist Past Still Haunts the PresentWhile we don't like to talk about it much, the history of the United States is deeply racist.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
7 minute read
July 25, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Political Correctness Is Good Alternative to Vile, Sexist, Homophobic Trash TalkSuch disgracefully disrespectful animus displayed by the governor of Puerto Rico should not be accepted from those holding public leadership positions. We can and should demand better.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
3 minute read
July 22, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune
The Ultimate Double-Dip: Collecting 2 State PensionsThe ultimate double-dip occurs when one retiree collects two pensions, sometimes for essentially the same job. How can this be?
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
3 minute read
July 21, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Enhanced Judge Training is the Court's Province, Not the Legislature'sWe emphatically support Chief Justice Rabner's announcement, and the Legislature should bear in mind that under the New Jersey Constitution, “The Supreme Court shall make rules governing the administration of all courts in the State and, subject to the law, the practice and procedure in all such courts... .”
By Law Journal Editorial Board
2 minute read
July 21, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Scandal Surrounding NJ Judges Must Be a Teachable MomentIt was the rationale of the trial courts that produced headlines and commands our attention. Their words are from another age. Both opinions were released on the Internet only and “Not for Publication.” The decision not to publish the opinions commands our attention, as well.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
6 minute read
July 18, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune
What's the Holdup at the Connecticut Supreme Court?The Connecticut Supreme Court is struggling to issue its decisions in a timely fashion.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
3 minute read
July 14, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Expansion of Shareholder Access to Corporate Documents Rightly Rejected in Merck CaseIn our view, plaintiff was trying to backdoor a derivative action. The opinion refused to expand the common law to access the documents that would not have existed but for the requester's demands.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
6 minute read
July 14, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Social Host Duty for Underage Adults Rightly Applied ProspectivelyAlthough New Jersey has public policies designed to deter social hosts from providing alcohol to persons who are too inebriated to drive, these policies did not extend to a young adult host living in his parents' home—at least until now. Prospective application in 180 days seems exactly right.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
2 minute read
July 12, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune
100 and Still Kicking: Celebrating Morton KatzAttorney Katz turned 100 on May 15. After taking a day off to celebrate, on May 16 he was back at his post at G.A. 14 in Hartford as a special public defender, representing those who cannot afford to hire an attorney.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
2 minute read
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