September 10, 2019 | The American Lawyer
The Archaic Bar Character and Fitness Exam Needs to Be ReformedIt is past time to reexamine the character and fitness process and critically scrutinize the patchwork, inconsistent and ambiguous standards.
By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board
9 minute read
September 09, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Radiator Injury Case Raises Interesting Future Legal Questions, but Legislature Should Act NowGiven the number of reported radiator injuries, we urge immediate action by the Legislature, or by amendment of the regulations, so risks like this can be avoided.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
September 09, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Appeals Court Got It Right on Self-Representation for Legal Mal DefendantsWe remain concerned about endeavors to call attorneys from adverse firms as trial witnesses when not "necessary."
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
September 06, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Supporting Mandatory Disclosure of Malpractice CoverageConnecticut lawyers in private practice should be required to disclose on their registration forms whether they have professional malpractice insurance coverage.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
3 minute read
September 01, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Abortion Clinic Buffer Zone Case Rightly Remanded by Third CircuitWe agree that deference to legislative bodies calls for careful consideration of the need to protect the safety and privacy of patients and health-care providers as well as the rights of those who merely seek to preach respectfully to patients.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
September 01, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
Long-Needed Municipal Court Reforms Are Within ReachThe report of the Supreme Court committee should be read by every attorney in the state, and attorneys with experience in municipal courts should take the time to provide their comments to the administrative director by Oct. 1.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
August 30, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Take Time to Enjoy Life Outside the OfficeNo question, it's a busy schedule you have. As a managing partner once said, "There is always the possibility for more billable hours." Certainly…
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
4 minute read
August 25, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
In Favor of a Limited Duty to Report in Child Sex Abuse CasesThe tried-and-true "no-duty-to-rescue" common-law rule should remain in place for any case involving an adult in danger. But the rule should be different for child victims of sexual abuse.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
8 minute read
August 22, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Connecticut's Ongoing Failure to Address Property Tax DependenceLimiting property tax dependence requires more state funding to local governments, which means raising more state revenue from other taxes, but this is necessary to make Connecticut the prosperous, just, and integrated state that it can and must be.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
3 minute read
August 18, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal
'Dark Money' Disclosure Law Goes Beyond Constitutional LimitsThe current political fracas in Trenton is causing legislation to be used like a sledgehammer, when clearly scalpels and tweezers are more appropriate. And so it will be left to the courts to restore constitutional principles.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
6 minute read
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