Editorial Board

Editorial Board

April 30, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Permit Local Taxing of Out-of-State Retailers

We think 'Quill Corp v. North Dakota' was wrong and hope the Supreme Court will so hold.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

7 minute read

April 27, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Viewpoint: Connecticut's Gun Seizure Law Can Serve as National Model

Connecticut was the first state in the nation to pass a law to allow police to obtain a court order to seize guns from anyone who presents an imminent risk of harming himself or someone else.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

April 23, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Blood Draw Should Require a Warrant

In Zalcberg, the court not only failed to interpret New Jersey's Constitution as requiring that a warrant be obtained before blood is drawn, but it refused to follow the United States Supreme Court's clear mandate that a warrant be obtained under such circumstances.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

3 minute read

April 23, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Lawyers, Drivers, Citizens: Heed Ruling on Giving Notice to UIM Carriers

Lawyers are citizens and drivers as well as professionals, and should know about the availability and limits of under-insured motorist coverage.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

3 minute read

April 23, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Negligent Misidentification Claim Rightly Rejected

The court's public policy rationale is unassailable. Cooperating New Jersey citizens should not be subject to negligent misidentification lawsuits.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

April 20, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune

State's Teen Criminal Cases Belong in Juvenile Court

At 14, children cannot drive, buy alcohol or cigarettes, cannot vote and cannot be employed by grocery stores. They certainly shouldn't be exposed to lifelong adult felony convictions.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

4 minute read

April 16, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

In Racist Juror Case, More Was Needed From SCOTUS Majority

We agree with Justice Thomas' assessment—the majority “says little about how a court of appeals could ever rule in Tharpe's favor on the merits of the prejudice question.”

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

April 16, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Judicial Independence is Threatened

Three stories, unfolding simultaneously but in different parts of the country, further evidence how politics has increasingly seeped into the judicial selection process and compromised the independence of our judiciary.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

3 minute read

April 09, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Can We Legislate Against the Next Mass Shooting?

In the clear light of hindsight, it is argued that somebody should have done something to head off the Parkland shooting. But what?

By Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

April 09, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Bright Side of Trump Scandals: A Lesson in Law

Say what you will about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, there is one unintended consequence of this imbroglio: citizens are getting basic lessons in the law

By Law Journal Editorial Board

2 minute read

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