April 06, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Salary Options Limited for Retired Teachers Returning to WorkThose who have retired from a public school position may only be re-employed in a public school at a salary of no more than 45 percent of the maximum salary level for the position.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
3 minute read
April 02, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal
Even After Retirement, NJ Court Rules Bind AttorneysAn attorney, even upon retirement and closing his or her office, must be sure to review and comply with our rules to assure that, among other things, he or she provides an address or process to guaranty receipt of notice of any subsequent proceedings against them as attorneys.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
April 02, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal
Beware How Proposed Motion in Limine Rule Would Govern Expert EvidenceWe can see no issue of expert admissibility that could be raised on a motion in limine that could not be raised equally well on a motion for summary judgment. The only difference is one of timing. However, counsel need to be aware.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
March 30, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
MCLEs in Connecticut: Better Late Than NeverThe Superior Court Rules Committee adopted MCLE in June 2016 to be effective Jan. 1, 2017, and its implementation in the intervening year has demonstrated unequivocally that the fear of—and opposition to—MCLE was completely unwarranted.
By Connecticut Editorial Board
4 minute read
March 29, 2018 | The American Lawyer
Young Lawyer Editorial Board: It's Time to Change the Way We Educate LawyersThe expectations placed upon young lawyers have evolved over time. To keep pace, legal education must do the same. And there is a role for law firms to play, too.
By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board
9 minute read
March 26, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal
The 'Heckler's Veto' v. The First AmendmentWhen controversial speakers appear on campus, they frequently trigger violent and destructive demonstrations, sometimes leading to physical injuries and inevitable police arrests. The cost of securing the site from this violence poses an enormous problem for university officials.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
7 minute read
March 23, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
Knowledge of Safe Havens Act Crucial for Mothers in DesperationRecently we read about another desperate young woman who was pregnant, abandoned by the male who impregnated her, who abandoned her baby after giving birth in secret and under dangerous circumstances.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
6 minute read
March 23, 2018 | Connecticut Law Tribune
An Anachronism Is Lurking in Connecticut General StatutesWe call on the Judiciary Committee of the General Assembly to propose to the Legislature either the elimination of the statutes dealing with attorney admission and discipline or update the provisions so they mirror what is currently provided for in the Practice Book.
By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board
4 minute read
March 19, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal
End Excessive Fees in Class Action LitigationWe commend Competitive Enterprise Institute and Judge Koh for a step toward restoring public confidence in the cost of the litigation process.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
4 minute read
March 19, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal
Make Gestational Carrier Agreements EnforceableDespite the potential for complications, we favor its adoption. The act provides clear guidance to the public and limits the risk that needy women might be exploited for their reproductive capacity.
By Law Journal Editorial Board
3 minute read
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