Editorial Board

Editorial Board

October 25, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Don't Miss Another Opportunity To Fix Sex Offender Registry

Connecticut should change to the recommended risk-based registry, as used in New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and some 13 other states.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

October 20, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Court Correctly Wielded Authority in Additur and Remittitur Case

We applaud the Supreme Court's approach to the case and concern about evolving and necessary changes to the common law. The decision is based on the court's common law and rule-making power over practice and procedure.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

October 20, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Exercise Caution With 'Corpus Linguistics'

Judges and lawyers are not trained linguists, and their intrusion into analytics may be influenced by any number of human biases or predispositions, especially in the absence of scientific protocols.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

October 17, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Property Tax Relief Should Supersede Debate Over Popsicle Tax

We believe it is an appropriate and timely reform to begin reducing the property tax burden in Connecticut by appropriating accumulated surplus revenues from the Rainy Day Fund to fully fund the statutorily mandated PILOT program.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

October 13, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

NJ Residents Deserve Justice On Tax Incentives Issue

We await the outcome of the tension between the legal and investigatory processes currently in play in connection with the Economic Development Authority. We look forward to a resolution based on both the law and justice. Camden, and other state residents, deserve no less.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

7 minute read

October 09, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Judging the Judges: Bring Back Independent Judicial Evaluations

We recommend that a more comprehensive judicial evaluation process be resurrected and implemented by the CBA.

By Connecticut Law Tribune Editorial Board

5 minute read

October 06, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Shaming Sentences Should Stay Out of New Jersey

There has been a flock of such shaming sentences, though fortunately we have not seen these shaming sentences in New Jersey. We strongly condemn sentences for the sole purpose of humiliating.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

4 minute read

October 06, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

'Changed Circumstances' Standard Still Holds

The Appellate Division's decision in Landau, which acknowledges both the difficulties of the moving party and the privacy rights of the non-moving party, balances important concerns.

By Law Journal Editorial Board

5 minute read

October 04, 2019 | The American Lawyer

Cutting-Edge Practice Areas Are a Worthy Challenge for Young Lawyers

There are concrete steps young lawyers can take to get in on the ground floor and form a solid foundation of knowledge in an emerging field.

By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board

9 minute read

October 03, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

Psst … Your Bias Is Showing—a Response From YL Editorial Board

We chose to respond not because we're necessarily offended, but because we believe in challenging one another and promoting honest discussion.

By The Young Lawyer Editorial Board

3 minute read