Frank Ready

Frank Ready

Frank Ready is a reporter on the tech desk at ALM Media. He can be reached at [email protected].

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April 26, 2021 | Legaltech News

Corporate Legal Is Hungry for Tech Transformation—And Wants Firms to Help Lead Them

Legal departments hungry for digital transformation are increasingly turning to their law firms to help them navigate legal technology—and lead by example.

By Frank Ready

8 minute read

April 23, 2021 | Legaltech News

For Legal Departments, Managing CLM Solutions Takes an Evolving Village

Organizations have begun folding the management of CLM solutions under the purview of legal ops professionals, but the change management, technical and data verification challenges involved often require a multidisciplinary approach.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

April 22, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Is the Grass Still Greener In-House?

Job-seeking attorneys are gravitating toward roles inside corporate legal departments, but perceptions that in-house offers a better work-life balance than a law firm or the ability to influence decision-making could prove disappointing.

By Frank Ready

8 minute read

April 21, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Vendors Boast Lawyer-Built Tech, but In-House Wants to See Receipts

Legal departments gravitate towards legal technology companies that have lawyers onboard to help guide and shape the direction of products. However, in-house teams remain wary of providers who use the presence of lawyers as more of a marketing tool rather than a way to enhance services.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

April 21, 2021 | Legaltech News

Patents as Non-Fungible Tokens? Attorneys See Promise—and Problems

IBM and global patent market IPwe announced that they were developing the ability for patents to be represented as non-fungible tokens, an application that could help companies better track their IP—or confuse an already murky process.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

April 20, 2021 | Legaltech News

Law Firms' Stinginess With Equity Can Handicap Their Tech Subsidiaries

Firms serious about luring top talent to their technology subsidiaries may have to break with a longstanding tradition of reserving equity for partners—and let their subsidiaries have their own culture.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

April 16, 2021 | Legaltech News

4 Reasons Firms' Innovation Efforts Aren't Making Inroads With Clients

Implementing technology is only half the battle for law firms attempting to compete with ALSPs. They also have to make sure their tech priorities align with those of clients, and be able to articulate exactly what value items like captive ALSPs bring to the table.

By Frank Ready

1 minute read

April 15, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Pre-Pandemic, Legal Departments Saw CLM Solutions as Electronic Filing Cabinets. Has That Changed?

Challenging by "static" contract misconceptions and a tricky change management process, many in-house teams may be struggling to get employees to use those CLM tools to their fullest potential.

By Frank Ready

6 minute read

April 14, 2021 | Legaltech News

As Enterprise Tech Eyes Legal, Point Solutions Are Working on Connecting the Dots

As enterprise-level technology providers begin looking towards legal as the next market to conquer, legal tech companies might find themselves under more pressure to make sure that their software can seamlessly integrate into a larger corporate ecosystem.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

April 14, 2021 | Legaltech News

Can CLM Solutions Take Swamped Lawyers Out and Put Business Teams Back In?

A Legalweek(year) session examined how CLM tools could be part of the solution to the increasingly strenuous demands on in-house teams' time and energy.

By Frank Ready

3 minute read