Frank Ready

Frank Ready

Frank Ready is a reporter on the tech desk at ALM Media. He can be reached at [email protected].

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April 13, 2021 | Legaltech News

Orrick Spins Out First Legal Tech Company, Shunning Tech Subsidiary Route

A digital filing system inside of Orrick's corporate department has grown into a legal tech platform named Joinder that's designed to help in-house teams track documents and information. Instead of owning the new tool, Orrick set it free to survive in the market on its own.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

April 09, 2021 | Legaltech News

As Workload Burdens Increase, Corporate Insourcing May Be 'Already Broken'

Automation has helped corporate legal teams to insource processes like e-discovery and contract work. But as work volumes continue to rise without a significant bump in personnel, more work may inevitability be spilling back over to ALSPs and law firms.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

April 08, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

4 Ways That Legal Departments Should Evaluate Which Outside Counsel Makes the Cut

As they look to keep more work in-house, corporate legal departments are using data, recommendations from colleagues and their own intuition to guide the cuts made to preferred provider lists.

By Frank Ready

2 minute read

April 07, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Wine Tastings? Museum Admissions? Legal Departments Chase Down Guidance on Vaccination Passports

Some companies are eager to welcome clients or the general public back to in-person events, but many are still unsure whether or not they can require attendees to be vaccinated. The question may only grow more complicated as different states take divergent approaches.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read

April 07, 2021 | Legaltech News

Clients See ALSPs as More Efficient. Law Firms See a 'Frustrating' Perception Problem

While law firms are onboarding automation, data analytics and other technologies in an effort to improve client services, many C-suites still perceive ALSPs as the more efficient and tech-friendly service option.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

April 06, 2021 | Legaltech News

Onit's New VP of Strategy and Growth Talks Expansion and Next AI Product

Brad Rogers, the senior vice president of strategy and growth at Onit, is banking on some of the positive innovation stories emerging from law firms and legal departments to encourage others to take the plunge—especially as Onit looks to expand its end-to-end capabilities.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

April 02, 2021 | Legaltech News

Wanted: A Bridge Between Lawyers and the IT Department

As the threat of cyberattacks and regulatory pressures continue to mount, it has become increasingly important for organizations to ensure a fluid collaboration between their legal and IT departments. However, employees who can serve as those types of ambassadors are a rarity on today's employment market.

By Frank Ready

6 minute read

April 01, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

As Legal Departments Shrink Their Provider Rosters, Elite Firms Are Likely to Remain

A new report from Wolters Kluwer ELM Solutions found that legal departments are reducing their total number of active provider relationships. But just how strategic in-house teams are being about the partners they choose is open for debate.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

April 01, 2021 | Legaltech News

Captive ALSPs Are a 'Tremendous Lift'—But What About Tech Partnerships?

A crowded e-discovery market finds law firms wielding captive ALSPs in an attempt to compete with external service providers on pricing, technology and efficiency. But for firms who can't go down that path, partnerships with outside tech companies could be a viable alternative.

By Frank Ready

5 minute read

March 31, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

'Shouldn't You Have an Accent?': Some Asians Face Racism Among Legal Professionals

The Association of Corporate Counsel Foundation "Courageous Conversations #StopAsianHate" webinar shined a light on some of the different stereotypes that Asian American legal professionals encounter in the workplace.

By Frank Ready

4 minute read