Heather Nevitt

Heather Nevitt

Heather D. Nevitt is the Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Counsel and Global Leaders in Law.

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May 30, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

You CAN Handle the Truth: How Getting and Receiving Feedback Increases Your Impact as General Counsel

You want to be the best leader possible, and reviews are an invaluable learning tool for you, both as a member of CEO staff and as the head of a high-performing team. Mastering the practice of giving and receiving feedback in a straightforward manner, in a setting that allows the listener time to absorb your message, is a key ingredient to stellar leadership.

By Marnie Seif

6 minute read

May 29, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Finding a Firm That Really Is Easy to Do Business With

There are law firms that go beyond the usual platitudes and truly focus on the needs of your department and company – but how do you find and retain these firms that are Easy to Do Business With (#ETDBW)?

By Christopher Sweet

6 minute read

May 28, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Navigating the Global Employment Landscape: Strategies for In-House Legal Teams

In an era of globalized business operations, managing labor and employment matters across multiple jurisdictions presents a unique set of challenges for companies. The article can discuss intricacies of the global labor and employment landscape and provide insights for in-house legal teams that are navigating these complexities.

By JoHannah Harrington

5 minute read

May 21, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

How to Take Ownership of Your Company's IP

For most companies, IP is their most valuable asset. When IP is created, the employee or consultant who created it freely (usually) assigns it to their employer or client. But sometimes, something goes wrong. Relationships can sour. The employee or consultant can leave. Or, the person might even pass away. If any of these things happen when there is no written assignment of the IP to the company, things can get messy.

By Jason Balich & Brandon Blackwell

7 minute read

May 20, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

A New Era of Influence: A Swift Take on Branding, Computer-Generated Influencers and Deepfakes

A-list celebrities like Taylor Swift are not the only ones leveraging their influence to promote and sell products and services. Streamers, vloggers, and other creatives are using their platforms to influence today's consumer trends. However, a steep rise in the use of GenAI and computer-generated influencers brings with it new marketing risks and considerations for celebrities, influencers, and businesses alike.

By Cynthia Cole, Alysha Preston and Inez Asante

9 minute read

May 16, 2024 |

The FTC is Busy, But Adds AI Impersonation to the List

The FTC's rule prohibiting government and business impersonations went into effect last month.

By Heather Nevitt

6 minute read

May 16, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Are You Doing 'Deep Fake' Marketing? Consider Using a Scorecard

How can in-house counsel swiftly and competently assess legal risk for newly minted AI-driven campaigns? The answer lies in striking a balance of acceptable levels of legal risk, as defined within your organization, that conform with applicable industry standards, and guided by broader ethical considerations specific to your use case. With this in mind, we have provided a scorecard to weigh the likelihood and severity associated with any deep fake marketing campaign.

By Harry A. Valetk and Tal Dickstein

9 minute read

May 07, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

How to Best Position Yourself for the Top Legal Job

Securing the opportunity to move from the DGC to GC seat can be one of the most difficult professional moves for a lawyer. This article addresses several ways a thoughtful deputy can position themselves to be the heir apparent and take the GC seat.

By Chris Williams

5 minute read

May 01, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Finding Contributor-Level Work as a Truly Senior Counsel

Former GCs and other senior level lawyers are now highly desirable for almost any kind of contract work – both at the high end as Interim General Counsels, but also more commonly in quality worker bee roles.

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

April 29, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

The Corporate Transparency Act's First 100 Days

With the Corporate Transparency Act now in effect, the rubber has hit the road for corporate counsel seeking to evaluate their clients' responsibilities and filing requirements.

By Benjamin Knuth

6 minute read