Heather Nevitt

Heather Nevitt

Heather D. Nevitt is the Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Counsel and Global Leaders in Law.

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April 09, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

10 Generative AI Questions Every Chief Legal Officer Should Be Able to Answer

CLOs should be prepared to provide necessary legal guardrails that both protect and enable the business to lead the competition and enhance customer value. The following 10 questions frame the issues every CLO should address to support GenAI business adoption and simultaneously transform their legal function.

By Saskia Vermeer De Jongh and Peter Krakaur

8 minute read

April 08, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

The Masquerade Ball: When Plaintiffs Mask Claims to Get Around a Lack of a Private Cause of Action

Whether a particular law provides for a private cause of action can have huge consequences for potential corporate defendants. Such a right opens the floodgates to plaintiffs, often represented on a contingency fee basis, asserting claims that may be meritless. The crushing wave of privacy class actions in recent years—made possible by the private causes of action in the underlying state privacy laws—shows what can happen.

By Richard Salgado and Ashley Hoff

5 minute read

April 04, 2024 |

Everyone Wants a Bite of Apple

Each week, the Barometer newsletter, powered by the ALM Global Newsroom and Legalweek brings you the trends, disruptions, and shifts our reporters…

By Heather Nevitt

6 minute read

April 01, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Tips for Engaging an Executive Coach

In last month's column, I played with ChatGPT to offer a glimpse of how AI will disrupt most aspects of Law World. This month I'm doing the opposite. I asked myself: What is the most human professional niche in Law World? What expertise cannot be replicated by technology and what is the unique value proposition of that expertise?

By Mike Evers

2 minute read

March 28, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

GCs and GenAI: Gearing Up for Change

GCs operating in today's competitive and challenged business environment must keep on top of AI developments and be able to report to their boards on whether and how GenAI and other cutting-edge technologies can help the legal department improve its contribution to the business.

By Catherine J. Moynihan

8 minute read

March 22, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Beyond Borders: Navigating Global Business Compliance With the FCPA

Companies with any international operations should ensure they have a robust written policy and compliance program focused on anti-bribery and corruption. This is especially true where companies have foreign subsidiaries or engage third parties in foreign countries for sales, consulting and other activities.

By Cole Callihan

8 minute read

March 13, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Three Key Legal Strategies for a Successful Merger and Acquisition: A Case Study From a CLO

Having recently completed two major acquisitions valued at over $5 billion, the legal team at Hilton Grand Vacations (HGV) has a unique perspective on the complex landscape of mergers that goes beyond the financial metrics—including potential impacts on brand reputation, stakeholders, and overall business strategy.

By Charles Corbin

5 minute read

March 06, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Global Patent Trends Report: Asia Leading the World in Patent Publication

MaxVal recently released its annual report on global patent publication trends which revealed several interesting currents. The resulting data, which spans the past five years, helps unravel the complex tapestry of innovation, technological shifts and the driving forces shaping the intellectual property landscape.

By Kelly McNulty

9 minute read

March 06, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

Navigating Mobile Communications Compliance Under the DOJ's New Guidelines