Joel A Rose

Joel A Rose

March 10, 2004 |

Using Financial, Management Reports to Maximize Productivity

This article describes some of the key financial and management reports which, if properly and systematically prepared and utilized throughout the year, will keep the managing partner, management committee, partners and the administrator aware of their firm's financial affairs to provide for the expected economic results at year-end.

By Joel A. Rose

13 minute read

December 22, 2005 |

The Makings of a Partner

Partners and associates alike should understand what criteria will be considered at partnership selection time. According to management consultant Joel A. Rose, quality performance is no longer the single most important issue in deciding whether an associate will make partner. Instead, there are numerous factors that partners can -- and should -- consider when evaluating associates. Rose provides a guide that both existing and potential partners should find interesting.

By Joel A. Rose

7 minute read

February 16, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

Different Horses for Different Courses

A firm in financial trouble that is struggling to pay its employees each week must focus on how to improve short-term financial performance. Once it restores financial stability, it can deal with its long-term goals.

By Joel A. Rose

6 minute read

February 02, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer

Firms Must Be Prepared to Deal With Underutilized Partners

Increased competition among law offices to attract and retain top partners and associates has placed greater pressure on managing partners and members of executive committees to face the issues involving the underutilized partner. Lawyer management knows they must satisfy their attorneys. Therefore, most law firms today are less willing than before to tolerate the problems created by others � particularly when their livelihood is at stake.

By Joel A. Rose

7 minute read

July 19, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

Management Skills Needed by the Managing Partner

While the function of management can be stated with particularity, the exact skills, tools, techniques, methods and approaches used to fulfill the function cannot.

By Joel A. Rose

6 minute read

June 13, 2007 | National Law Journal

Profitable Firm Growth Requires Some Advance Planning

The advantages of group practice have contributed to the increase in numbers and sheer size of law firms. Without regard to the actual size of the firm, any level of growth poses inherent problems involving the management of the individual lawyers, facilities and resources. Consultant Joel Rose says once two groups of lawyers join forces, good management practices cannot be achieved unless the privileges, obligations and responsibilities of all the firm's members are established and agreed upon.

By Joel A. Rose

8 minute read

December 21, 2007 | New Jersey Law Journal

Managing the Firm's Finances

Good cash flow requires management and financial controls, two disciplines that operate as limitations on the independent actions of attorneys in group practice. Careful management will bring rewards in terms of improved operating results and avoidance of unhappy or even painful surprises.

By Joel A. Rose

9 minute read

February 02, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

Ten Ways To Increase Firm Profitability

Cutting costs is not the only way for firms to increase their cash position.

By Joel A. Rose

8 minute read

June 28, 2004 | The Legal Intelligencer

Tailoring a Firm for Value-Added Marketing

Clients retain lawyers to resolve busi-ness and legal problems and to assist them in achieving both imme-diate and longer-term objectives. As such, lawyers must approach client marketing in a way that encourages them to understand their clients' business goals and identify opportunities that add value to the work per-formed.


10 minute read

May 02, 2008 | New Jersey Law Journal

Merging Two Firms and Making Them Run as One

The potential problems that may occur after the joining of two firms are infinitely complex.

By Joel A. Rose

7 minute read